(ENG) Kobold Press 5a Ed. - Book of Ebon Tides - Flip eBook Pages 201-250 (2024)

Magic Items and Trickery 201 Fire of any kind can unravel the forest newly created by an illusion seed. While a campfire or even bonfire does little harm, the burning of a whole tree unravels the forest’s magic: the trees, paths, and wildlife all turn to smoke and drift away in 10 minutes. This unraveling only happens if the forest is less than 1 month old. Knightly Seed Wondrous Item, Uncommon You must crack this seed and throw it—greater skill gains greater results. Make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check and consult the table below. The creature that appears serves you as a knight and steed for a week and a day. If you are already a titled knight, the creature and steed serve as a squire. Check Result 10 or less Knight with warhorse 11–15 Green knight of the woods (see Creature Codex) with warhorse 16–19 Wyvern knight (see Creature Codex) with war wyvern (see Creature Codex) 20+ Infernal knight (devil) (see Creature Codex) on nightmare Messenger Owl Seed Wondrous Item, Common When thrown, the seed turns into a normal owl with an Intelligence score of 14 and the ability to speak Common and Umbral. It will carry a spoken message and any object weighing up to 1 pound for a distance of up to 30 miles, delivering them to a particular person, a creature with a particular title or station (such as the “guard at the east gate of the Court of Golden Oak” or “the Baron of Grenstad”), or to a particular place (“the queen’s bedchamber” or “the Hedgehog Tavern”). Once its mission is accomplished, the messenger owl waits for up to 4 hours for a return message or object to carry back to you. If no object or message is provided, it flies away and disappears. Orchard Seed Wondrous Item, Uncommon When thrown, this illusion seeds turns into a welltended orchard of fruit or nut trees, depending on your learning and natural understanding. All its fruit is ripe and rich in flavor. Make either an Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check and consult the table below. Check Result 10 or less A pair of nut trees appears, such as hazelnut, walnut, or chestnut. 11–15 A set of 1d6 + 4 fruit trees appears, all of a single type, such as cherry, apple, or pear. They provide a full day’s nourishment to anyone who eats from them. 16–19 A large orchard of 3d6 fruit trees appears, ready for harvest. The fruits all act as the goodberry spell, healing up to 10 hp total from the orchard and providing a day’s nourishment on the first day it appears. 20+ An enormous orchard of 3d12 fruit trees appears, ready for harvest. The fruit provides a day’s nourishment, acts as a long rest, and heals up to 10 hp per creature for the first day it appears. Fire of any kind can unravel the orchard newly created by an illusion seed. While a campfire or even bonfire does little harm, the burning of a whole tree unravels the forest’s magic: the trees, paths, and harvest all turn into smoke and drift away in 10 minutes. This unravelling only happens if the orchard is less than 1 month old. Rain and Thunder Seed Wondrous Item, Common This seed must be used outdoors, and when thrown, you gain control of the weather within a 5-mile radius for up to 1d8 hours. You can change precipitation, temperature, and wind, shifting the weather within 30 minutes, for instance, from a clear day to a cloudy and rainy one, from warm to arctic cold, and from moderate winds to a storm. The effects of a rain and thunder seed must always make the weather less pleasant than they were before: colder, rainier, and windier, never the reverse. While the seed often produces thunder, any lightning does not strike near you, but neither is the lightning under your control.

202 Book of Ebon Tides The effects of a rain and thunder seed can be countered or dispelled by either a control weather or counterspell spell. Road Seed Wondrous Item, Uncommon This seed must be used outdoors, and when thrown, it creates a well-built road through any terrain, up to 5 miles long. The road includes up to one bridge crossing for a stream or chasm up to 50 feet across, and it may likewise include supports, log causeways, or leveled sections along a single section of marsh, hillside, or even mountainous terrain. A road seed combined with a tavern seed can generate a road twice as long as a road seed alone. A road seed can be countered or removed with an earthquake or shadow walk spell. Stallion Seed Wondrous Item, Common When thrown, the seed turns into a magical, swift courser with an Intelligence score of 14 and the ability to speak Common and Umbral. It will carry you for up to 30 miles, delivering you to a particular place or following a particular road or path. If engaged in combat, the stallion acts as a normal warhorse. It flees (with you) at the first opportunity. Tavern Seed Wondrous Item, Uncommon A tavern seed must be used outdoors, and when thrown, it creates a small, snug tavern of stone and wood, roughly 40 feet by 20 feet, with a lower public floor and an upper floor devoted to the staff bedchambers, storage, and a single room for rent. The entire building takes on an outward style of architecture, materials, roofing, and appearance as suits the region where it stands. It has a staff of three: a cook, a bartender, and a servant, of a type typical of the region (so humans in a human realm, shadow fey in the Shadow Realm, goblins in the wastelands, and so on). Using a tavern seed in an existing settlement creates a snug tavern as normal, magically shifting two buildings to either side slightly to make room. The new structure is certainly notable and surprising to residents of the place. A tavern seed combined with a road seed always includes a set of warm, secure stables as well as the tavern building itself. Memory Philters First distilled by gnomes in the Court of Midnight Teeth, memory philters have since gained a large following among the fey. Each such philter contains a distilled emotion, specific memories, or a particular moment in time. The sable elves, shadow fey, shadow goblins, and wyrd gnomes all prize these ersatz memories, and the longer-lived fey in particular prize the memories of the young as a way of reliving fresh, youthful emotion. Some of these philters have game effects while others are prized more for their value as status items, entertainment, or simply for the smug sense of having stolen passionate moments from mortals. All memory philters superficially resemble potions: they are contained in flasks or small vials, often quite beautifully shaped or painted to hint at the contents. Their ability to transfer memories makes them also useful to a GM to dispense clues or story elements to players (as in a memory that reveals a secret door, a plot point, or a murderer’s identity). Philter of Boundless Joy Potion, Uncommon As you imbibe this potion, you remember a time of pure happiness and joy, usually related to love, parenthood, or some other enormous, life-altering event—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You have advantage on Charisma ability checks for 1 hour and immediately gain the effects of a short rest. The effects of this philter cancel the effects of a philter of deep despair. Philter of Deep Despair Potion, Rare As you imbibe this potion, you remember a time of heart-rending sorrow, grief, and despair related to death, loss, or failure—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour but cannot take bonus actions of any kind during that time. The effects of this philter cancel the effects of a philter of boundless joy.

Magic Items and Trickery 203 Philter of Enchanted Fortune Potion, Rare As you imbibe this potion, you remember a time of staggering good fortune, accomplishment, and success—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You have advantage on the next three ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws you make (including death saving throws). Philter of Innocence Potion, Rare As you imbibe this potion, you return to a childlike state, remembering your life as it was in your formative years—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You have resistance to psychic damage for 1 hour and have advantage on Constitution ability checks during that time. Philter of Loving Kindness Potion, Rare As you imbibe this potion, you remember a time of love and acceptance—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You cannot be affected by spells from the school of enchantment for 1 hour. Philter of Lust Potion, Uncommon As you imbibe this potion, you are overtaken with memories and feelings from a time of physical desire—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be overcome by a fit of lust for 1 minute. While in a fit of lust, you seek out either a person whose affection you desire or, more rarely, an object of consuming passion (usually a token, trophy, or fetish of some kind) to claim for yourself. On a successful saving throw, only the memories are passed to you. You can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending the effect on a success. Philter of Mercy Potion, Rare As you imbibe this potion, you remember a time of mercy, atonement, and forgiveness—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You are immune to being frightened for 1 hour and have advantage on Wisdom ability checks during that time. The effects of this philter cancel the effects of a philter of righteous anger. Philter of Righteous Anger Potion, Uncommon As you imbibe this potion, you are overtaken with feelings of anger and memories of justice denied, betrayals, or blasphemy—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be overcome by a fit of rage for 1 minute. While in a fit of rage, you have advantage on melee attack rolls, and your melee weapon attacks deal an extra 3 (1d6) damage. You cannot distinguish friend from foe and must attack the nearest creature. If no creatures are nearby, you must dash in the direction of the nearest living creature. If no other creature is near enough to move to and attack, you stalk off in a random direction, seeking a target for your anger. On a successful saving throw, only the memories are passed to you. You can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of your turns, ending the effect on a success. The effects of this philter cancel the effects of a philter of mercy. Philter of Waking Dreams Potion, Uncommon As you imbibe this potion, you remember a particular scene of importance, such as aduel, kiss, theft, betrayal, murder, or funeral—the specific memories depend on the philter’s creator. You can take no action for 1 round while caught up in these memories and thereafter cannot forget these events: any creature seen in such a memory will be remembered, as well as their name, by you as someone you have seen before. With a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check, you may note details of importance within the waking dream, including the relationships of people within the dream, their status, and the location of the dream. False memories cannot be created via a philter of waking dreams, though what the imbiber remembers may be colored by time or strong emotion.

204 Book of Ebon Tides Potions, Scrolls, and Wondrous Items The items listed here are either created exclusively in the Shadow Realm or simply more common there than elsewhere. Book of Ebon Tides Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Wizard) This strange twilight-hued tome was written on pages of pure shadow weave, bound in traditional birchboard covers, wrapped with shadow goblin hide, and imbued with the memories of forests in the Shadow Realm. Its covers often dance with shadows as if it were resting in a forest grove, and some owners swear that a goblin face appears on them now and again. The sturdy lock on one side opens only for wizards, elves, and shadow fey (see Tome of Beasts). The book has 15 charges, and it regains 2d6 + 3 expended charges daily in the twilight before dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the book retains its Ebon Tides and Shadow Lore properties but loses its Spells property. Ebon Tides. If you spend 100 hours over a period of 30 days or more studying the volume, you can perform a magical ritual to shift the structure of the Shadow Realm in particular ways. At any point after your study completes, you can expend 5 of the book’s charges while spending 1 minute concentrating and performing invocations to transform the terrain near you. You don’t need to repeat the study to use this property again. When the magic ritual completes, make an Intelligence (Arcana) check and consult the table below for the appropriate DCs. You can change the terrain in any one way listed at your result or lower. For example, if your result was 17, you could turn a small forest up to 30 feet across into a grassland, create a grove of trees up to 240 feet across, create a 6-foot-wide flowing stream, overgrow 1,500 feet of an existing road, or other similar option. Only natural terrain you can see can be affected. Built structures, such as homes or castles, remain untouched, though roads and trails can be overgrown or hidden. On a failure, the terrain is unchanged. On a 1, an overshadow (see Tome of Beasts 2) also appears and attacks you. On a 20, you can choose two options. Deities, fey lords and ladies (see Tome of Beasts), archdevils, demon lords, and other powerful rulers in the Shadow Realm can prevent these terrain modifications from happening in their presence or anywhere within their respective domains. Shadow Lore. If you spend 10 minutes referencing this book while researching the Shadow Realm or its creatures, you double your proficiency bonus on Arcana, History, and Religion checks to recall lore about such subjects for the next 24 hours. If you don’t have proficiency in these skills, you instead gain proficiency in them for the next 24 hours, but you are only proficient when recalling information about the subjects of your research. This research can be done during a short rest. Spells.While holding the book, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC and spellcasting ability: cloak of shadow* (1 charge), darkness (2 charges), mirror image (2 charges), phantasmal killer (4 charges), see invisibility (2 charges), seeming (5 charges), shadow gateway* (5 charges), shadow step* (4 charges), or slither* (2 charges). You can also use an action to cast the douse light* or minor illusion cantrips from the book without using any charges. (Spells marked with an asterisk are from Deep Magic.) Retributive Shadows. You can use an action to speak a special command word and rip the book in half. The book is destroyed and releases its remaining magic in a wave of shadow magic. Four 10-foot cubes of shadow move outward from the book in the cardinal directions, and each cube moves up to 20 feet each round, away from the point where the book was destroyed. This effect works like the creeping darkness (see Deep Magic) spell, except it creates four cubes instead of three, and the necrotic damage dealt by the spell increases by 1d6 Ebon Tides In Midgard Written by an elven princess at the Court of Silver Words, this volume encodes her understanding and mastery of shadow. Whimsical illusions suffuse every page, animating its illuminated capital letters and ornamental figures. The book is a famous work among the sable elves of the Shadow Realm, and it opens to the touch of any elfmarked or sable elf character.

Magic Items and Trickery 205 for each charge remaining in the book. At the GM’s discretion, this effect can work like the incendiary cloud spell instead of the creeping darkness spell, except the cloud is a cloud of shadow that deals necrotic damage instead of fire damage, is centered on you, and the damage dealt by the spell increases by 1d4 for each charge remaining in the book. DC Effect 8 Obscure a path and remove all signs of passage (30 feet per point over 7). 10 Create a grove of trees (30 feet across per point over 9). 11 Create or dry up a lake or pond (1 foot wide per point over 11). 12 Create a flowing stream (1 foot wide per point over 11). 13 Overgrow an existing road with brush or trees (300 feet per point over 12). 14 Shift a river to a new course (300 feet per point over 13). 15 Move a forest (300 feet per point over 14). 16 Create a small hill, riverbank, or cliff (10 feet tall per point over 15). 17 Turn a small forest into grassland or clearing or vice versa (30 feet across per point over 16). 18 Create a new river (10 feet wide per point over 17). 19 Turn a large forest into grassland or vice versa (300 feet across per point over 19). 20 Create a new mountain (1,000 feet high per point over 19). 22 Shrink an existing hill or mountain (reducing 1,000 feet per point over 21). Collapsible Mountain Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement) This small statuette of a snow-topped, forested mountain seems remarkably detailed, yet it stands only about 4 inches tall. Stories tell that it was a gift from the bearfolk to the shadow fey priests of Hecate when they first came to the Shadow Realm and that it was once merely a collapsible hill. Over time, its power has grown as it travels from one owner to another. The priests of Hecate say no one can retain it for more than a year. When you hold the collapsible mountain, you may take an action to speak its command word to instantaneously create a pine-covered mountain, fully 2,500 feet tall. You may choose to either have the mountain rise under you or to have the mountain rise under another creature you can see at least 120 feet away. In the first case, other creatures nearby may wind up hundreds of feet below you (and combat ends between any two non-adjacent creatures). Groups of creatures move roughly 2d6 × 100 feet apart. If you have the mountain rise under another creature, you and adjacent creatures see the mountain grow rapidly nearby, but you remain at the altitude you started at. A small spring or brook usually appears nearby in this instance. Each day, the mountain’s land and streams provide simple food and fresh, cold water sufficient to nourish 15 humanoids or five steeds. Speaking the command word again collapses the mountain. Any creature standing on it is not harmed (the descent is swift but not dangerous). Creatures who enter combat unaware of the nature of the collapsible mountain are treated as if surprised by the sudden change. Crown of Infinite Midnight Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) This dazzling helm is set with 1d12 sapphires, 2d12 black opals, and 3d12 obsidians. Any gem pried from the helm crumbles to dust. When all the gems are removed or destroyed, the helm loses its magic. You gain the following benefits while wearing it: • You can use an action to cast one of the following spells (save DC 17), using one of the helm’s gems of the specified type as a component:darkness(obsidian),vampiric touch(black opal),orwall of ice(sapphire). The gem is destroyed when the spell is cast and disappears from the helm. • As long as it has at least one sapphire, you have blindsight to 120 feet. Any living creature that starts its turn in that area takes 1d6 necrotic damage. • As long as the helm has at least one black opal, you have resistance to necrotic damage. • As long as the helm has at least one piece of obsidian, you can use an action and speak a command word to cause one weapon you are holding to sizzle with black flames. The flames are harmless to you and to the weapon. When you hit with an attack using the blazing weapon, the target

206 Book of Ebon Tides takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or stow the weapon. Roll a d20 if you are wearing the helm and take necrotic damage as a result of failing a saving throw against a spell. On a roll of 1, the helm emits shadowy purple rays from its remaining gems. Each creature within 60 feet of the helm other than you must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be struck by a beam, taking necrotic damage equal to the number of gems in the helm. The helm and its gems are then destroyed. Hecate’s Lantern Wondrous Item, Legendary (Requires Attunement by a Cleric or Wizard) Hecate’s lantern is said to have been used to divide darkness and light during the creation of the Shadow Realm. It is made of gold and mithral with panes of amber and clear crystal, and it can be held by an ornate loop at its top. A single ever-burning candle shines within, though the panes of the lantern often make it appear as three candles. You must be brandishing the lantern to use it. This lantern has 12 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d12 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the lantern’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the lantern vanishes and returns to a high priestess of Hecate or to the goddess herself. Create Mire. As an action, you can expend 5 charges to create shadow mire (see Chapter 5) with a 40-foot radius centered on you. Force Shift. As an action, you can expend 3 charges to force any shapeshifter you can see within 120 feet to shift their form. If unwilling, the target gains a DC 13 Charisma saving throw to negate the effect. Spells. As an action, you can cast the moonbeam spell (2 charges) with a range encompassing any point you can see or the child of light and darkness spell (8 charges, see Chapter 4). Instant Door Wondrous Item, Uncommon This item resembles an ornate key of bright copper, often inset with semi-precious stones or detailed with engraved filigree scrollwork and ornaments. While holding the key, you can make a turning motion to create a door in any wall within 5 feet of you. This door goes through a wall up to 5 feet thick, creating an exit that remains until you remove it. Turning the key in the opposite direction turns any normal, non-magical door into a section of stone or other material matching the wall to either side (wood, wattle, plaster, and so on). Labyrinth Rope Wondrous Item, Common When you speak a command word, this rope slithers like a snake toward the nearest exit out of any maze, dungeon, or labyrinth for 1 hour at a speed of 20 feet per round. When it reaches the exit, it coils itself up and waits for you to retrieve it. Moonseeker’s Lantern of Safe Returns Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This pyramid-shaped lantern has clear crystal sides and is made of black iron woven with sparkling silver. While holding the lantern, you can use an action to speak its command word. The lantern floats 2 feet away from you at shoulder height, and sheds bright light in a 30-foot-radius sphere and dim light for an additional 30 feet. You and any of your companions within 30 feet of the lantern while it is shedding light can’t be surprised, except when incapacitated by something other than nonmagical sleep. When you are in the Shadow Realm, the lantern also emits a pinpoint of light in the direction of Corremel, City of Lanterns. Shadow Portal Scroll Scroll, Rare Written on black leather in letters of glowing white, a shadow portal scroll opens a portal as a form of invitation from a fey enchanter, goblin shaman, or other powerful arcanist of the Shadow Realm. All creatures within 10 feet of you when the scroll is read are transported to the Shadow Realm, usually near the scroll maker’s residence. Unerring Dowsing Rod Wondrous Item, Rare This gnarled willow root is worn and smooth. The wood is dark from long centuries spent absorbing the living darkness of the Shadow Realm. When you hold this rod in both hands by its short, forked branches, you feel it gently tugging you toward the closest source of fresh water. If the closest source of fresh water is located underground, the dowsing rod directs you to a spot above the source and then

Magic Items and Trickery 207 Shadow Fey Wine Grapes do not grow easily or well in the Shadow Realm. The few grapes that do mature are jealously guarded and harvested by skilled vintners who handpick the precious fruit themselves. These vintners are loath to share their secrets with outsiders. A batch of Winter Court wine takes approximately a decade to go from the crush to bottling with most of its time spent mellowing in ash casks. The rarer and more fragile Summer Court wine takes a century or more to reach completion. The arbutus casks that hold the wine are considered works of art in and of themselves and are often carved with scenes of rapturous dancing and feasting. The faster and lighter grapes of the Starry Void wine mature in as little as 5 years. However, it is rarely found outside the realms of the Court of a Million Stars or in the cloisters of void cultists. Harming a shadow fey vintner is a capital crime in the Shadow Realm. The perpetrators are slowly skinned, coated in molasses, and left tied and exposed in areas populated with biting insects. dips its tip down toward the ground. When you use this dowsing rod on the Material Plane, it directs you to bodies of water, such as creeks and ponds. When you use it in the Shadow Realm, where fresh water is much more difficult to find, it directs you to bodies of water, but it might also direct you toward homes with freshwater barrels or to creatures with containers of fresh water on them. Wine of the Starry Void Potion, Rare Found largely in the realms of the Court of a Million Stars and in the hands of disciples of the Void, this wine enables you to see the future—for a time. Roll 10d20 and apply each resulting die in any order when ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or even death saving throws are required. However, all ten results must be applied before any normal rolls can resume. Wine of the Summer Court Potion, Rare This white wine is slightly pink from the rose petals added to the grapes prior to the crush. It is light and airy and evaporates within an hour if left exposed to the air. The wine tastes of peach, grapefruit, and your first kiss. Drinking it fills you with giddy thoughts of dancing, romance, and adventure. When you drink this wine, you have advantage on Charisma ability checks for 1 hour, and you can reroll one failed ability check, attack roll, or saving throw during that time. Wine of the Winter Court Potion, Uncommon This wine, so dark red in color it is nearly black, pours from its bottle in a syrupy flow. When you drink it, you taste notes of sour apple, bitter ash, and jealousy, and your thoughts are occupied with vivid memories of heartbreak and loss. When you drink this wine, you have disadvantage on Charisma ability checks for 1 hour, but you are immune to being charmed and can add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom saving throws for the duration. If you already add your proficiency bonus to Wisdom saving throws, your bonus is instead doubled for the duration. Rings, Rods, Staves, and Wands Items with a substantial degree of work invested in their creation—rings, rods, staves, and wands—are very popular as status items among the shadow fey, shadow goblins, and umbral humans, even for those who cannot use their powers. Ring of Dancing Ring, Uncommon When you dance, caper, or perform for an audience, your movements are especially thrilling and graceful. You have advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks with any fey, giant, or humanoid who has watched such a performance of yours within 24 hours. When worn with boots of dancing (see above), you instead have advantage on all Charisma ability checks.

208 Book of Ebon Tides Ring of Daylight Ring, Rare (Requires Attunement) This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. By speaking the command word, you can make the ring shed light in a 60-footradius sphere for 1 hour. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 60 feet. If you close your fist, put on a glove, or otherwise cover your ring hand completely, you block the light. If any of this light’s area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled. In addition, melee or ranged attacks you make while wearing the ring of daylight deal radiant damage rather than their normal type. Ring of the Ghouls Ring, Rare This ring has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the ring, when you make a successful melee attack and use your reaction to expend 1 of the ring’s charges, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn. Ring of Winter’s Kiss Ring, Rare (Requires Attunement) When you suffer cold damage while wearing the ring of winter’s kiss, you take damage normally. However, on your next turn, you can target any creature within 30 feet, making an attack roll with a +7 bonus. On a hit, the target takes the same cold damage you took. Staff of Radiance Staff, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard) This staff of yarrow wood is often bleached white with points of glowing golden warmth embedded in the wood. You have resistance to radiant damage while you hold this staff. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: burning radiance* (4 charges), daylight (2 charges), searing sun* (3 charges), or sunburst (5 charges). You may cast the douse light* or light cantrips without expending a charge. (Spells marked with an asterisk are from Deep Magic.) The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff turns to a cloud of fireflies and is destroyed. Staff of the Void Staff, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard) This staff of ironwood is often cracked and gnarled with points of purple, wriggling movement seemingly moving through the wood. You have resistance to psychic damage while you hold this staff. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: life drain* (5 charges), living shadows* (4 charges), maddening whispers* (2 charges), or void strike* (3 charges). You may cast the word of misfortune* cantrip without expending a charge. (Spells marked with an asterisk are from Deep Magic.) The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff turns to ash and is destroyed. Wand of Shadows Wand, Uncommon (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster) This wand has 5 charges. While holding it, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks against creatures that rely on sight. You can also use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the darkbolt spell (save DC 15, see Deep Magic) from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 2nd-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand turns to ash and is destroyed. Wand of Tides Wand, Uncommon (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster) This wand has 5 charges. While holding it, you cannot be paralyzed. You can also use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to warp space around you, filling it with tangible shadows. All creatures moving toward you move as if they are in difficult terrain. Attack rolls against you have disadvantage. The shadows last for 3 rounds or until you choose to end them. The wand regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at midnight. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand turns to ash and is destroyed.

Magic Items and Trickery 209 Weapons These weapons are all found more often in the Shadow Realm than in the mortal world, and many were first created there. Racial weapons of the bearfolk, fey, and ghouls are all included. Blade of Grass Weapon (Sword or Axe), Uncommon (Requires Attunement by a Druid or Cleric) This magic weapon has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use a bonus action and expend 1 charge to conjure a thick patch of shrubs, grasses, aboveground roots, and even small saplings in a 10-foot radius. The area becomes difficult terrain, and the foliage is thick enough to provide cover against ranged attacks. The growth is permanent unless you speak the command word again. The weapon regains all expended charges after a short or long rest. Fey Blade Weapon (Sword or Axe), Uncommon This weapon is lightweight and portable and can easily fit into a dagger sheath, even if a two-handed weapon or polearm. You can draw it from the sheath or replace it as a bonus action. Frostglow Weapon Weapon (Rapier or Dagger), Rare (Requires Attunement) These mithral weapons are commonly found among gnomes and quicksteps, who prize their power to shed a chilling blue light on command. You can use a bonus action to speak this weapon’s command word, and all creatures within 30 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, becoming paralyzed for 1 round on a failed saving throw and having their speed reduced to zero for 1 round on a successful one. The effect ends at the beginning of your next turn. This action cannot be used again until the next dawn. Hecate’s Dagger Weapon (Dagger), Legendary (Requires Attunement by a Cleric or Wizard) This adamantine dagger has a blue leather hilt wrapped with gold wire, a star opal as its pommel. Its blade is etched with the phases of the moon and a triangle similar to Hecate’s holy symbol. It is said to be one of the daggers the goddess used when she parted and shaped raw shadow to create the Shadow Realm for her devoted followers. Several such daggers may exist. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties. Counterspell. When you speak Hecate’s name while wielding the dagger, your counterspell rolls are all made with advantage. Geas. Once per day, you may cast the geas spell on any cleric, paladin, or devout follower of Hecate. Control Shadows. Once per day, you may cast either the ebon tide spell (see Chapter 4) or the dimension door spell. Lunar Lance Weapon (Any Polearm), Uncommon Made by shadow goblins to keep larger foes at a distance, lunar lances are often given to goblins on battlements or other vantage points. They weigh literally nothing but are as sharp as any dagger. This weapon adds 10 feet to your reach when attacking with it. Mooncatcher’s Net Weapon (Net), Rare (Requires Attunement) Used by the river giants to harvest memory fragments from the dark waters of the Shadow Realm, mooncatcher’s nets are woven by the priests of Hecate or by moonshadow catcher goblins. You have a +1 bonus on attack rolls with this magic weapon. It has the normal effects of a net but is very tough. A creature must succeed on a DC 16 Strength check to free itself or another creature from the net. Dealing 15 slashing damage to the net also frees the creature. The net has AC 14 and 25 hit points. It regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as long as it has at least 1 hit point. If the net drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.

210 Book of Ebon Tides As well as using the net as a weapon, you can drag the net through dark water (see Chapter 5) to harvest 1d4 random memory fragments. Roll 1d10 on the table below for each fragment to determine the memory fragment captured. Each memory fragment can be used as component in creating a memory philter (see Memory Philters above) of the type listed in parentheses. You must make a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to transfer each memory fragment from the net into a suitable container or it is lost. d10 Memory fragment 1 Happy time with a friend (philter of boundless joy) 2 Embarrassing failure (philter of deep despair) 3 Glorious success (philter of enchanted fortune) 4 Favored childhood memory (philter of innocence) 5 Act of kindness (philter of loving kindness) 6 Romantic partner (philter of lust) 7 Deceased loved one (philter of mercy) 8 Great victory in battle (philter of righteous wrath) 9 A dream (philter of waking dreams) 10 Roll twice Moonsteel Weapon Weapon (Rapier or Dagger), Rare The blade of this magic weapon seems to shine from within with a pale white light. The weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to any creature it hits. If the creature is not in its true form, it becomes frightened until the start of your next turn. At the start of its turn, a creature frightened in this way must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or immediately return to its true form. Quickstep Weapon Weapon (Rapier or Dagger), Uncommon (Requires Attunement) When you wield this weapon and a creature you can see targets you with an attack, you can use your reaction to move to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of your position without provoking opportunity attacks. If this movement would put you out of reach of the attacker, the attack is at disadvantage. Scepter Weapon Weapon (Club, Hammer, Mace, or Staff), Rare (Requires Attunement) By speaking this weapon’s command word as a bonus action, you activate a harsh purple light. While this light shines, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks made to interact with beasts, dragons, fey, giants, humanoids, and monstrosities. In addition, any foe or object you strike with a scepter weapon glows, shedding dim light in a 10-foot radius. Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can’t benefit from being invisible. Witchlight Scimitar Weapon (Scimitar), Rare(Requires Attunement) You can use a bonus action to speak this magic scimitar’s command word, causing golden radiance to spring from the blade. It sheds bright light in a 30-foot-radius sphere and dim light for an additional 30 feet. While the scimitar is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage to any target it hits. The witchlight glow lasts until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the scimitar.

Appendices 211 The Shadow Realm is a grand, strange domain of fey magics and hungry shadows. Magic of the Fey Items listed here are magical but rarely in a way that is useful in combat. They are meant to enhance the user’s appearance, provide entertainment, or display status. The owner of one or more such items gains +1 Status while visiting a fey court. Appendix: Life in the Shadow Realm LESSER UMBRAL ITEMS OF THE SHADOW FEY d20 Umbral Items 1 Dancing Shadow Amulet. Wearing this amulet makes your shadow dance and caper in amusing ways. 2 Shadow Umbrella. This parasol floats near you, protecting you from direct sunlight or from rain. 3 Floating Hat. This is a normal hat that always floats a handspan above your head. It tips itself courteously to ladies and gentlemen. 4 Animated Goblet.This fine silver goblet floats above the table and will go refill itself from a cask or spring when ordered. It comes when called. 5 Animated Cutlery. This fine silver—a knife, fork, and spoon set—will dance for you, create ringing noise (as before a toast), and even carve a roast or stir soup or tea for you. 6 Glittering Shadow Powder. This powder adds luminous green, blue, or purple sparkles to your shadow. 7 Glimmering Hair Comb.While this comb remains in your locks, your hair shines and reflects light almost as bright as sunlight on water. 8 Flawless Raiment. These clothes are always clean, dry, fashionable, and well-tailored. 9 Purifying Canteen. The water poured from this canteen is always free of shadow corruption. 10 Umbral Incense. This incense draws shadows together in a 5-foot radius and burns for up to 15 minutes. Even in blazing sunlight, the conditions more closely resemble dim light. 11 Dawn Alarm. When the moons rise (or the sun, in the mortal realm or Summer Lands), this pale-white stone glows bright yellow, and a songbird sings. 12 Gilded Shadow. Your shadow is not black and gray but gold and silver. Your Dexterity (Stealth) checks are all at disadvantage. 13 Sunlight Candle. This candle burns with the full light of the sun in a 10-foot radius for 2 hours. 14 Phantasmal Tapestry. A traditional tapestry, often showing a unicorn, hippogriff, dragon, hunting party, or similar scene—but animated and often staring at the viewer. Depending on the subject, rabbits twitch, birds wheel about, waves crash on the shore, and wind sways the woven trees. 15 Perfumed Bath Tent. This tent resembles a bedroll or small rucksack. When shaken, it becomes a 10-by-10-foot tent complete with a wooden tub of hot water, fragrant pine or rose scents, and towels. It is far too thin to provide much protection against wind, cold, or rain, but it makes a fine way to remove the mud of roads and fields. 16 Everblooming Vase. Flowers placed in this vase never fade or wither. 17 Spider Silk Rope. With a sticky end as effective as a grappling hook and a weight of mere ounces, this 50-foot rope assists climbers with foot loops and can fit into a small pocket. 18 Watchful Bat. This small bat statue takes on the coloration of its perch and can watch for a particular person, creature, or event. When that person or event is witnessed, it finds you and tell you about it. 19 Icy Wind Fan. With a cooling breeze, the icy wind fan provides comfort on summer days. 20 GM’s Choice from the list. d20 Umbral Items

212 Book of Ebon Tides GREATER UMBRAL ITEMS OF THE SHADOW FEY d20 Umbral Items 1 Moon Helmet. This helmet is made entirely of transparent metal, so your vision is not obstructed. 2 Ebony Scabbard. A scabbard of purest darkness, it helps you gather shadows about yourself. You may attempt to hide while in plain sight once per day. 3 Animated Banner.This banner shows a moving, ferocious form of your heraldic crest, such as a lion rampant or a dragon breathing fire. 4 Umbral Palanquin. This palanquin seats one person and is carried by invisible forces. You need never walk anywhere. 5 Ephemeral Tent. This tent appears fully set when called, complete with brazier of coals, a pair of comfortable beds, and a small table set with nourishing food. It provides limited protection against bitter cold, storm winds, and heavy rain. Poor conditions may shred it. 6 Shadow Reins. These black reins with silver bells are hardly visible, but they are highly effective in transmitting your wishes to a mount. All Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks when dealing with a mount fitted with shadow reins have advantage. 7 Mooncatcher’s Delight. This small amulet always draws moonlight to you. You’ll never stand in darkness. 8 Phantasmal Feast. A deep-red tablecloth woven of shadows, it creates enough nutritious food for two creatures when placed on a table. 9 Dog Shadow. Your shadow resembles a faithful dog, which is watchful and barks when creatures approach. You cannot be surprised. 10 Sunlight Lantern. This hooded lantern burns with the full light of the sun in a 30-foot radius with dim light for an additional 30 feet. It burns for 6 hours on enchanted oil and can be damped to a 5-foot radius as needed. 11 Umbral Hunting Hounds. Two shadowy hounds that come when called. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to follow a trail using scent. 12 Shadow Fanfare. A set of silver trumpets announces your arrival every time you enter a room. 13 Spider Silk Boat. The size of a handkerchief, it becomes a small, two-person rowboat when shaken out. It must be rowed normally but can be returned to kerchief size once you reach shore. 14 Ghost Jar. This jar can hold one ghost or phantom, which answers questions or moans hauntingly from time to time. If a second question is asked on any given day, a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check is required, or the ghost departs. 15 Whispering Pebble. A small stone that whispers nonsense without pause. If left alone in a room, it always sounds as if a conversation is happening, but the gist of it is never clear. If addressed, the stone falls silent. 16 Illusory Tower. This gleaming, transparent stone tower contains a single set of spiral stairs up to a height of about 50 feet. At the top, a flat platform and battlements provide an excellent view in all directions. The tower provides no cover or protection but is useful for seeing into the distance. 17 Evergroomed Kit. This pouch is made of oiled leather and holds various grooming products: such as shampoo, hair oil, a comb, a shaving razor, pressed powder, and a hand mirror. On spending 1 minute grooming yourself with the items from this kit, you are clean and fresh, hair perfectly styled, makeup party ready. 18 Feline Ring. This silver band creates an adorable illusory kitten. The kitten appears from behind a chair, someone’s leg, or other cover and frolics and tumbles about. If approached, it flees and disappears once it’s behind total cover. 19 Spectral Kestrel. This translucent bird of prey perches on your shoulder or wrist, keen-eyed and waiting. It can follow simple commands (such as fly, return, fetch, and harry) and has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. 20 GM’s Choice from the list. d20 Umbral Items

Appendices 213 d20 Umbral Items Trickery and Whimsy The items in this section are tricks, art, and illusions done for show or to discomfit a rival without injury. These are performed with cantrip-level magic for the most part, though some merely use oils, scents, or ventriloquism. The fey gifts and glamours are charms or knacks sometimes bestowed as boons by fey lords and ladies to their followers or favorites. These gifts can be rescinded from those who fall out of favor. TRICKS AND PRANKS OF THE GNOMES AND SHADOW GOBLINS d12 Tricks and Pranks 1 Frosty Frown. Your facial expression is frozen in a scowl for at least 1 hour. A DC 11 Constitution saving throw negates this. 2 Hidden Door. An important chamber’s doorway is hidden behind an illusion. Courtiers seem to pass through the wall when they enter or leave this way. 3 Living Statue. A statue speaks and moves, mocking visitors or commenting on their choice of apparel. 4 Irritated Guard. Words are put in a guard’s mouth, such as “You’re not allowed here” or “Her majesty wishes you to leave the court at once.” These are lies, but the guard is either paralyzed or silenced and cannot correct the statement verbally. 5 Sewer Stench of Garlic. A particular set of boots or a cloak is infused with a rancid smell. Magic or several washings are required to get it out. 6 Rotting Garments. Your clothes are made to look moth-eaten, worn, patched, or otherwise slipshod. 7 Sliding Carpet. A carpet is infused with grease or oil that is not visible. Stepping on it requires a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, or you fall prone (no damage except to dignity). When placed on a staircase, 1d6 falling damage may apply. 8 Enormous Belch. A huge belch seems to come from a genteel fey or human. 9 Stampede! A herd of sheep, goats, oxen, or cattle seems to be rushing down the hallway. Those who stand in its way are not injured, but goblins laugh at anyone who is startled. 10 Tiny Thieves. Trained crows, ravens, or even squirrels take food or small objects (such as buttons, laces, or hair pins) away from a creature and scamper off to the nearest tree or tower with their haul. 11 Storm Cloud. A small rain cloud follows you, drizzling on you (and only you) and leaving you damp. 12 GM’s Choice from the list. d12 Tricks and Pranks

214 Book of Ebon Tides GIFTS AND GLAMOURS OF THE FEY d12 Gifts and Glamours 1 Scent of Lemons and Roses. You smell of roses and lemons, even in the dead of winter or other unlikely times. 2 Flower Clothing. Your clothes are embroidered with flowers that sway in an unfelt breeze and that blossom, close, and turn to seed in a swiftflowing cycle of a few minutes. 3 Cloud of Kind Lights. You are surrounded by a cloud of wispy lights that always display you to advantage. 4 Deep Eyes like Pools. Your eyes are entrancing. If you succeed with a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can always catch another creature’s eyes within 30 feet. 5 Entrancing Voice. Your voice is sweet or resonant; if you succeed with a Charisma (Performance) check, you can always gather the attention of creatures within 30 feet. 6 Artist’s Eye. You can describe any creature in detail or sketch it with uncanny accuracy. 7 A Fey Kiss. If a creature permits you to kiss it, your lips leave a lasting memory. Creatures you have kissed always remember you fondly, even if they never see you again. 8 Beguiling Caper. You dance with grace and beauty. At any party or festival where you dance, others stop to watch you. 9 Elegant Speech. Your rhetoric is sublime. You make Charisma (Persuasion) checks with advantage when first meeting a creature you share a language with. 10 Swift Rider. You can spur any mount to extraordinary speed. Your mount’s Dash actions always add both your own speed and the mount’s speed. 11 Follow Me. When you crook a finger at another creature, it often feels inspired to follow you. This applies as much to hounds and horses as it does to humanoids, fey, and giants. Sometimes, however, the charm fails; if counterspelled by an arcanist or resisted by a powerful fey, you may be compelled to move toward the creature that you sought to draw close to yourself. 12 GM’s Choice from the list. BELOVED ILLUSIONS OF THE FEY COURTS d12 Illusory Effects 1 Enchanted Forest. A great hall or audience chamber resembles a lush forest of fragrant trees, ferns, and similar growth. Trees may hide doorways or balconies. It is difficult to tell what is a pillar and what is a tree. 2 Moonlit Hallway. An indoor hallway is lit by clear beams of moonlight. 3 Starry Carpet. The carpet resembles an open void filled with stars, comets, and moonlight. The carpet is disquieting to walk on. 4 Distant Towers. A set of tall, shining towers is visible from a balcony or window, but it is impossible to visit them. They are illusions near the horizon. 5 Silent Parade. A favorite of gnomes and fey children, a silent parade involves elves, goblins, bearfolk and erina, all marching and singing, shouting, playing trumpets, or pounding drums—but completely silent. Humans tend to find it eerie rather than hilarious. 6 Living Tapestry. Though similar to a phantasmal tapestry (see Lesser Umbral Items of the Shadow Fey above), these feature unicorns, hippogriffs, lions, or other animals that can exit the tapestry, wandering within 120 feet of it, fully alive. 7 Speaking Doors. A door with a metal knocker speaks and argues with those seeking to pass through it. 8 Infinite Hallway. The hallway seems to lead to a golden doorway, but walking down it never brings you any closer to the end. 9 Bed Monsters. Growling and hissing can be heard beneath a particular bed. When investigated, the space is empty. 10 Beehives. A section of window seems to be a transparent beehive with the bees themselves always visible. 11 Phantom Orchestra. Light chamber music drifts on the air without any obvious source, as if played by some small group always just out of sight. 12 GM’s Choice from the list.

Appendices 215 Life in Shadows The peoples of the Shadow Realm have adapted and thrived in a wide assortment of ways, stamping their own personalities and dreams into the realm. FASHIONS OF THE COURTS d12 Apparel 1 Shadow Silk Cloak. Woven out of darkness itself, a shadow silk cloak is a simple yet impressive accessory. This silky garment floats about you as if in a breeze and evaporates when removed, leaving behind nothing but the clasp until it is donned again. 2 Gossamer Veil. This veil is made from strands of gossamer and starlight, light as air and delicate as a dream. 3 Redcap. Found often in the shadow goblin courts, a redcap is a hat of any style dyed a deep, blood red. Those who hold to tradition dye their cap by soaking it in the fresh blood of a slain foe on a regular basis, bur that custom has largely fallen out of favor—though the darakhul have taken up the tradition. 4 Heavens’ Weave Clothing. Clothes made from heavens’ weave fabric are black or dark blue and shimmer with constellations and star patterns of the mortal world. 5 Glass Gatorskin Accessories. Once tanned and dyed, the translucent skin of the glass gator becomes partially opaque, lending it a fascinating, crystal-like appearance, and it has the added benefit of being completely waterproof. Boots and gloves made of this material are especially popular with the shadow fey of all social classes, though only the nobility can readily afford them. 6 Sun-Stitched Raiment. Created and prized by the bearfolk of the Shadow Realm, these clothes are stitched over with luminous golden thread. The cloth is warm to the touch, as if laid out in the sun, and has a bolstering effect on your emotional state. 7 Moon Sable Fur Mantelet. Commonly considered a more feminine accessory, this short cape is made of the pure-white fur of the moon sable and is worn more for style rather than utility. 8 Living Tattoo.While not technically alive, these intricate tattoos are infused with illusion magic, allowing them to move and shift over your skin, and they can even travel from one part of the body to another based on your whims. 9 Sackcloth Clothing. Resembling prison garb, sackcloth clothing is a sign that you have been exiled from a court or city. Often a punishment in lieu of death, offending parties are stripped of belongings, dressed in sackcloth, and run out of town. Some wear the uncomfortable apparel as a form of atonement for their transgressions. 10 Moonglow Jewelry. The glowing gems in these elaborate accessories are made of moonlight, captured and cut into dazzling jewels. 11 Starlight Coronet. Tiny, shimmering motes of light encircle your head or sit nestled within your hair. 12 GM’s choice from this list. d12 Apparel

216 Book of Ebon Tides BELOVED PETS OF THE SHADOWS d12 Strange Creatures 1 Shimmer Serpent. This snake is 3–5 feet long but remains slender and delicate. The serpent is a solid, glossy black except for its belly, which features a shimmering, spangled pattern that resembles a starry night sky. 2 Moon Sable. A sleek, keen-eyed musteline with pure-white fur and the ability to convey simple emotions via empathic projection. 3 Umbraling. This piece of living shadow can be as small as a mouse or as large as a cat, and it takes on the form of whatever animal is most pleasing to its owner, though it has no features beyond a black silhouette. 4 Weal Bug. This jewel-green, cricket-like insect is often carried in a tiny, elaborate cage tied to the owner’s belt or scabbard or even carried by a servant. It is said that its chirp draws good fortune to its owner and that it goes silent to warn of ill luck nearby. 5 Wolpertinger. A tiny creature, the wolpertinger (see Creature Codex) resembles a fanged rabbit with wings and horns. There are many breeds, from raven-black wolpertingers with a single spiral horn to the more common mottled-brown, deer-antlered variety. 6 Midnight Dragonette. Also known as the twilight dragonling, this tiny, dragon-like creature has an uncanny intelligence and a fondness for shiny trinkets. Its coloration tends toward blacks, greys, purples, and deep blues with the occasional hint of the deep reds of sunset. Its pupils are shaped like starbursts, and it breathes wreaths of purple vapor when happy. 7 Umbral Hunting Hound Puppies. A pair of shadowy puppies that come when called. They wrestle with each other, chase shadows, and are otherwise cute and cuddly. 8 Pocket Pig. This diminutive blue piglet is small enough to fit in a pouch or backpack. It is prized by some households for its ability to sniff out rare culinary ingredients. 9 Flutterby. This feline creature resembles a common housecat with large butterfly wings. Though only able to fly for short distances, it is a prized pet in many noble fey households. 10 Aetherfish. This shimmering fish “swims” in the air around its owner, its long, fan-like fins rippling gently in an unseen current. It occasionally takes on a ghostly appearance or momentarily disappears altogether as it passes too close to the border of the ethereal plane. 11 Lamplark. This diminutive songbird has soft gray-brown feathers and two distinctive black crescents just beneath its eyes. Belying its somewhat lackluster appearance, the lamplark sings beautiful and elaborate songs but only at night. When it sings, the lamplark glows like a golden beacon, shedding bright light in a 15-foot radius. 12 Snapdragon. A curious, sentient plant, the snapdragon has a long stem, broad leaves, and a vivid blossom that comes in a variety of colors. It is content to remain potted and indoors, though it can turn grumpy and brown if it outgrows its pot or if the pot is too plain for its tastes. An unhappy snapdragon has the tendency to bite. d12 Strange Creatures

Appendices 217 FOODS OF THE SHADOW REALM d12 Dishes and Delicacies 1 Twilight Venison Stew. This hearty stew is made from the meat of the deer that wander the Shadow Realm, cooked in a rich, thick gravy with white and purple root vegetables. It is enjoyed by all classes and creatures within the Realm. 2 Air and Darkness Chiffon Cake. This fluffy, airy cake is flavored with a dark, bitter chocolate and topped with powdered sugar and black walnuts. 3 Fried Scuttles. Scuttles are a white beetle found feasting on deadfall in shadowy forests. Once fried, they become tender yet their shells crispy, and they’re often served with a side of stinging nettle sauce for dipping. This dish is favored by the shadow goblins, erina, and some alseid. 4 Sautéed Midnight Morels. Conical black mushrooms cooked in butter and topped with shadow salts. Raw, this fungus is toxic, but cooked properly, it takes on a nutty, earthy flavor. 5 Golden Nightjar. Dusk-singing whip-poorwill roasted in a crust of saffron. Each chef adds additional spices to create a custom version of the dish, and the requisite saffron turns the skin and meat of the cooked bird a deep yellow. 6 Dreamingwine. A sweet dessert wine, this deep-red digestif is made with grapes that have been exposed to noble rot and the daydreams of young lovers. A small family of wyrd gnomes have begun developing a new vintage, made with white grapes and the bitter regrets of one dying of old age. 7 Candied Twilight Pears. This purple fruit is sliced thin and simmered in honey. It’s served warm with a side of clotted cream. Consuming it conveys a temporary sense of mild euphoria. 8 Stygian Swill. A cheap and heady spirit made by distilling wheat or other grain with waters from the Styx or Lethe. It is highly potent and extremely bitter, and those not native to the Shadow Realm often find they wake the next day with memories that do not belong to them. 9 Whisper Blossom Pods. The long, fingershaped seed pods of the whisper blossom are a versatile and delicious side dish. They can be battered and fried, sautéed in butter, or even added to stews and soups to add a dash of spice and melancholy. 10 Glass Gator Sweetbreads. The breaded and fried glands and organs of the glass gator are a particular delicacy in many noble households. The transparent nature of the creature and its meat make it difficult to hunt and butcher, making this a costly offering. 11 Steamed Shadowspider Legs. While the legs of the shadowspider matron are black and spiney, the meat within is light and flakey when steamed. This dish is often served with clarified butter seasoned with black truffle. 12 GM’s choice from this list. d12 Dishes and Delicacies

218 Book of Ebon Tides CANTRIPS OF THE FEY d12 Cantrip Effects 1 Eldritch Blast. Your eldritch blast briefly leaves behind a lingering trail of illusory flower petals, falling leaves, or butterflies in the color of your choice. 2 Light. Though your light spell provides the same illumination as always, it appears as a purple-black glow casting off dark rainbows. 3 Spare the Dying. When you cast spare the dying, shadows pour from your mouth and fingers and sink into your target’s chest. 4 Resistance. When you cast resistance, your target is surrounded by iridescent, sparkling motes that remain until the spell ends. 5 Mage Hand. Your mage hand appears as a knobby, twisted hag’s hand. 6 Message. When you cast message, your voice arrives at the target’s ear, discordant and disconcerting, with whispered echoes and strange voices layered among your own. 7 Produce Flame. When you cast produce flame, the fire appears as black, blue, pink, or purple. 8 Mending. When you cast mending, dozens of tiny, shimmering spectral beetles envelop the damaged area, dissipating into glittering smoke when the spell is complete. 9 Dancing Lights. Your dancing lights appear as swarms of blue and purple fireflies, spectral glowing goblin skulls, or tiny illusory moons. 10 Shillelagh. When you cast shillelagh, the wood of your staff or club becomes twisted and black and glowing, wicked-looking thorns emerge from it. 11 Guidance. When you cast guidance, your target’s eyes are briefly framed by glowing purple or smoky black butterfly wings. 12 GM’s choice from this list. OMENS OF THE SHADOWS d12 Omens 1 Raven Feather. A single black raven feather in your path means death will find you soon. 2 Dancing Stars. Occasionally, a star may reorient itself in the heavens, moving from one point in the sky to another. This indicates shifting allegiances—either one that is already in place or one that should be strongly considered. 3 Backward-Flowing River. If you stumble upon a portion of the Styx or Lethe that is flowing in the wrong direction, the spirits are unquiet or displeased with your current course of action. 4 Rotten Fruit. If you bite into a piece of fruit and find it rotten, someone close to you will soon betray you. 5 Colored Flame. If your candle or fire burns blue, the time is ripe for you to act. If it burns black, beware a blade in the dark. If it burns purple, you’ll have a visitor soon. If it burns green, good news is on its way. 6 Cracked Cauldron. A crack appearing in your cauldron or other dishware means you’ll soon meet your love. 7 Stryx Shadow. A stryx shadow crossing over you means your current path leads to tragedy. 8 Phantom Knock. If you hear a knocking but find no one there, a known secret must be kept at all costs. 9 Thick Mist. A heavy mist or fog means the spirits are trying to convey a message. It is the ideal time to attempt to contact the dead. 10 Spilled Wine. If someone spills their wine at dinner, they will die within two nights. If you spill someone else’s wine, their death will be your fault. 11 Spare Tooth. If you discover an unexpected tooth—in your food, on the ground, or even in your own mouth—good luck is with you. 12 GM’s choice from this list.

Appendices 219 MOUNTS IN THE SHADOWS d12 Mounts (Large unless noted otherwise) 1 Lesser Unicorn. Also known as a false unicorn, this creature resembles a slender white horse with split hooves and a single shimmering horn on its forehead. It lacks the intelligence and magical abilities of a true unicorn but can use an action to teleport up to 60 feet when in moonlight. Its speed is 50 feet. 2 Valravn. This mount has the body of a wolf with the head and wings of a raven. It has a speed (including flying) of 50 feet. 3 Horned Frog. This black and purple amphibian has two unicorn-like horns that protrude just above its eyes. With a speed (including swimming) of 40 feet, a long jump of 30 feet, and a high jump of 20 feet, this mount is especially advantageous in areas of uneven terrain. 4 Racing Snail. This large snail’s spiraling conical shell comes in a variety of hues, and the top breeders pride themselves on creating new and unique color combinations. The racing snail has a speed (including climbing) of 50 feet and can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. 5 Giant White Rook. This white bird has dark eyes and a keen intelligence. It has a speed of 10 feet and a fly speed of 60 feet. It can follow simple instructions and can mimic short phrases of six words or less. 6 Sylvan Hare. Also known as a sylvie, this Medium rabbit has feather-soft fur—in black, dark gray, or white—red eyes, and overlong ears. It has a speed of 40 feet, a long jump of 30 feet, and a high jump of 20 feet, and it has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to sound. Halflings in the Shadow Realm prefer sylvies as their mounts. 7 Aquileona. A white and gold lion with a thick mane and broad, eagle-like wings, the aquileona is a fierce and terrifying mount. It has a speed (including flying) of 50 feet. 8 Marbled Widow. A mottled black and white spider, the marbled widow has slender legs, a bulbous abdomen, and paralyzing venom (DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute). Though its speed is only 40 feet, it can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check, and it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) rolls. 9 Onyx Moa. This Medium flightless bird has jet-black feathers, wicked talons, and a broad, razor-sharp beak. With a speed of 60 feet, it’s able to outpace many creatures and is the favored mount of the Shadow Realm’s goblins and gnomes. 10 Reitenhund. A sleek black and brown canine, the reitenhund is the ideal mount for hunters and trackers. It moves quickly, with a speed of 60 feet, and has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks when tracking prey. 11 Kalong. A fuzzy black bat with a foxlike face, the kalong is awkward and slow on the ground but particularly quick and agile in the air. It has a speed of 10 feet and a fly speed of 60 feet, and it has blindsight to 60 feet. 12 GM’s choice from this list. d12 Mounts (Large unless noted otherwise)

220 Book of Ebon Tides STRANGE SERVANTS OF THE SHADOWS d12 Servants 1 Knitter. Appearing as a humanoid or fey woman with overlarge solid-black eyes, a knitter has two extra sets of arms that she normally keeps hidden beneath her clothes. Knitters are highly proficient in dexterous tasks, including sewing, mending, weaving, and crochet, but her extra arms come in handy for all sorts of jobs. 2 Shadow Attendant. This shadowy, humanoid form coalesces out of the darkness when called and returns to the shadows when dismissed. It can perform simple tasks, like tending to a fire, cleaning, serving drinks, and carrying written messages. 3 Chatterbox. A 2-foot-tall, white-skinned humanoid with a too-wide mouth and vacant eyes, the chatterbox makes a magical record of any conversation it hears and can repeat it back verbatim later. They often replace scribes for nobles who need to constantly jot down lists or reminders—and the opportunities for spies are endless. 4 Pyreflies. These Tiny insects flit from room to room, kindling fires in hearths and lighting candles as darkness falls. 5 Nanny Goat. This goatlike humanoid has horizontal, rectangular pupils, two small, curved horns, and is quick and agile on their hooved feet. They’re often employed as an assistant to nursemaids and governesses to shadow fey children. 6 House Brownie. Tiny and shy, the house brownie is very rarely seen, but the fruits of its labor manifest as mysteriously completed household tasks. A fireplace cleaned, floors scrubbed, and pots and pans sparkling in the drying rack are all evidence of a house brownie. While it only requires payment of milk and honey, those who go out of their way to befriend a house brownie find their kindness repaid in unexpected ways. 7 Skullery Maid. This Small skeleton walks on two legs but does not resemble any of the known humanoids in the Shadow Realm. Its head is a horse’s skull, and its eyes burn with white fire. It cleans, mends, and does simple chores in exchange for the ashes from the hearth, which it consumes with gusto. 8 Teacup Fairy. So named because they’re small enough to sleep in a teacup, this Tiny, winged fey cultivates tea and other herbs in the kitchen garden. They bite anyone who interferes with their work, gets in their way, or otherwise annoys them. 9 Shadow Watchman. This guard blends neatly with the darkness, standing at its post atop ramparts, parapets, or even outside a chamber door, alert for any encroaching danger. It requires no sleep or food, making it the ideal guard. 10 Umbral Butler. Punctual, tidy, and unfailingly polite, the umbral butler is the ideal head servant. If the other servants resent working beneath a creature made entirely of smoke and shadow, they never show it. 11 Silent Squire. A humanoid with white skin, hair, and eyes, the silent squire is perfectly attentive to a knight’s every need, ready with shield, sword, or lance. Just don’t look too deeply into their eyes—lest they look back. 12 GM’s choice from this list. d12 Servants

Appendices 221 SECRETS OF THE COURTS d12 NPC Secrets 1 Lightweight. They cannot hold their liquor, and they spill others’ secrets when drunk. 2 Dalliance. They are carrying on a secret affair with someone scandalous. 3 Blackmailer. They know someone else’s secret and are blackmailing them to keep it quiet. 4 Indebted. They are not nearly as wealthy as they appear to be. They are heavily in debt to unscrupulous moneylenders or are pawning off old family heirlooms in order to afford the newer fashions. 5 Parricide. They killed a family member, either through an arranged killing or by their own hand. 6 Imposter. They are not who they say they are. 7 Conspirator. They are part of a plot to unseat the ruling monarch of their court. 8 Allergy. They are deathly allergic to a common food. 9 Sticky Fingers. They steal things. A lot. It could be small trinkets, large amounts of coin, or even priceless heirlooms. 10 Star-Crossed. They are in love with someone they can never be with. 11 Illusory Appearance. They heavily modify their appearance with illusions and enchantments, far past what is considered socially acceptable. 12 GM’s choice from this list. TREASURES AND TRINKETS OF THE SHADOWS d12 Treasures and Trinkets 1 Memento Mori Music Box. This palm-sized music box is made of etched silver. When wound, it plays an eerie and entrancing melody. The inside of the lid holds a lock of black hair set behind glass. 2 Gemstone-Studded Fan. This fan is made from teal ostrich feathers, held together at the base by gilded ribs adorned with onyx cabochons. 3 Bloodletting Brooch. This tiny and extremely sharp dagger is disguised as a fashionable accessory, hidden within the design of a silver and garnet brooch. It can easily be carried into an event where weapons are frowned upon. 4 Pressed Memories. A 3-inch-square frame holds five different colored blossoms pressed between glass. Each blossom is an important memory, removed from the owner’s mind and preserved—and promptly forgotten. 5 Everlight. This handheld taper burns with a warm golden glow and never gets any shorter. 6 Book of Secrets. A small journal bound in strange black leather, its pages are filled with fine writing in elegant calligraphy—and it’s completely encoded. It holds the secrets of dozens of luminaries and other important beings but requires the cypher to translate, and it resists magical means to bypass the code. 7 Gilded Hummingbird Nest. This tiny accessory is created by harvesting a real hummingbird nest and coating it in gold, silver, or bronze— eggs and all. It is then worn in the hair or hung by a chain around the neck. 8 Kintsugi Teapot. An elegant black stoneware teapot that has been shattered and repaired with gold. 9 Porcelain Unicorn. This tiny, delicate statuette bears an uncanny resemblance to the real thing, having perfectly rendered features. 10 Shadowsphere Pendent. This marble-sized glass sphere holds a tiny, shifting wisp of shadow or black smoke. The wisp is constantly moving and changing. 11 Luminous Shard. This crystalline shard is 1 foot long and sharp as a knife. It glows softly whenever music is played in its vicinity. 12 GM’s choice from this list.

222 Book of Ebon Tides LORE OF THE BEARFOLK DRUIDS d12 Lore 1 The Cracked Oak Circle. This bearfolk grove is built around a massive, broken oak tree in the center of their settlement. Green and alive when the bearfolk settled here, the oak was split by dark lightning some decades ago from a darakhul sorcerer locked in battle with the grove’s elder. The sorcerer ultimately escaped, the elder died, and the tree never recovered. The bearfolk who train here are educated on the ways of the darakhul and their undead, all the better to destroy them. 2 The Banshee-Haunted Grove. This tiny grove rests on the edge of an ancient battlefield. The site was initially chosen in order to watch for any undead, and when a banshee arose, she was immediately destroyed by the druids. However, she rose again the next night and was put down again—only to rise once more the night after that, and the night after that. After more than a week of this cycle, the bearfolk realized she had no intention of harming anyone within the grove if left alone, and they have instead taken to studying her pathways through the forests and fields in the hopes of discovering her origins and putting her to rest. 3 The Circle of Song. The natural stone henge of the Circle of Song is a curiosity. Carved by the wind whistling through the hillsides, on a gusty day, the stones of the grove sing as air passes through dozens of holes and passageways. Its strange geography also seems to be a focus for magic, and the druids of the Circle of Song can channel their abilities and shape the natural flow of the Shadow Realm around them with ease. They have learned to harmonize their own singing with the songs of the stones, creating a unique form of ritual. 4 The Moonshadow Grove. The druids here are attuned to the shadows and can pass between the pools of darkness with ease. Recently, however, something has infested their grove’s shadows, and those who attempt to step between them do not always reappear. 5 The Moonfire Circle. In the center of this druid grove stands a brazier filled with cold-burning fire. The flame gives off a hollow white light and no warmth. It is harmless to living creatures from the mortal world but burns undead and those native to the Shadow Realm. Unfortunately, due to its nature, the druids have been unable to get the flame to grow or spread—it does not ignite wood, paper, or other flammables like true fire does. If they can learn how to manipulate it, it would be a powerful weapon indeed. So far, they have managed to keep its existence a secret from other Shadow Realm denizens, for surely such a tool would never be allowed to remain in bearfolk hands if the shadow fey had any say over it. But it is only a matter of time until word gets out and armies descend upon them. 6 The Grove of the Three Rivers. This grove is built in and around a fork of three small tributaries that branch off from the Styx and empty into three small pools. The bearfolk tend to these shadowy waters, attempting to commune with the souls trapped within. They have met with moderate success and have thus far “rescued” roughly 20 souls, encouraging them to pass on in some cases and sending them off as Stygian shades to discover the manner of their death and the secrets of their life in others. The druids here call themselves shade whisperers and find that violence is not the only answer to the evils of the Shadow Realm. 7 The Bent Tree Grove. The druids of this grove have created an intricate, living housing system created by coaxing the trees to grow in certain designs and directions. Though they are patient when it comes to home construction, the druids are merciless in their training of shadow gnawers and have no hesitation when it comes to cutting out the rot of shadow corruption wherever they find it. 8 The Circle of the Seven Sisters. Established by seven sisters who arrived in the Shadow Realm from the Arbonesse Forest, the Circle of the Seven Sisters has a tenuous connection to the mortal world. A pool of clear, fresh water stands in the center of the grove. The pool is fiercely guarded, both as a source of untainted water and as a pathway between the realms. Creatures who submerge themselves completely in the pool and swim directly toward the bottom for 1 minute emerge in the mortal world in Riverbend within the Arbonesse. Following the pathway back into the Shadow Realm is trickier however since the way through the river is only open during certain phases of the moon. 9 The Hearthollow Grove. Once a grove with many students and teachers, the Hearthollow Grove is now all but abandoned. Only the caretaker, Umalla, remains, and no bearfolk travel here anymore. Recently, even communication with Umalla has gone silent, and none of the bearfolk know the reason for the loss of this stronghold.

Appendices 223 10 The Blackwater Grove. Nestled on the banks of a massive lake, the druids of the Blackwater Grove have pulled something curious coffin from the shadowy waters. The box is made of heavy iron and etched with runes, and though it seems old, it shows no signs of rust or other degradation. Still, something is within, and the bearfolk here argue about whether they should open it, guard it, or return it to the lake. So far, Ellar Dannos, the bearfolk leader of this grove, has been content to study it in quiet contemplation for endless hours. 11 The Circle of the Gloomflower. Once a massive grove of gloomflowers, a large swath of forest was cleansed by bearfolk druids who established the Circle of the Gloomflower. Though a latent psychic scream still pierces the air periodically, an echo of a memory of darker times in the land, this grove has known relative peace for some time now. Not long ago, however, the patrolling druids discovered some strange silver seeds that buffeted them with corrupting visions when touched. The gloomflower grove may be returning—either through natural means or by someone’s hand. 12 GM’s choice from this list. Appendix: Shadow Realm Encounters You never can quite know what you’ll run across in the Shadow Realms. Walk softly. ENCOUNTERS IN THE FORESTS (CR 1–4) d12 Encounter 1 The ruins of a crumbling stone palace stand before you. Partially collapsed walls hide whatever treasures may lie within. PCs who indulge their curiosity and enter the ruins are attacked by two cobblestorms (see Tome of Beasts), masquerading as the stone floor. 2 A gruesome scene of violence lies in the clearing just ahead. Several corpses picked entirely clean lay on the ground, but one in the clearing center is covered in dozens of black butterflies. The butterflies are a death butterfly swarm (see Tome of Beasts) that attacks if the corpses are disturbed. 3 Painful groans alert the PCs to a sable elf (see Chapter 9) bound to a tree. The lunarchidna (see Tome of Beasts 2) that wrapped the elf waits above in the tree to ambush any rescuers. 4 A small fire alerts you to a camp occupied by eight shadow fey forest hunters (see Tome of Beasts). The fey are happy to share their fire with polite travelers and warn them that an unusual amount of lycanthropes have been seen in this region of the forest. 5 A giant elk bearing a far darrig (see Tome of Beasts) bounds onto the path. The far darrig is under orders to guard this path and demands the PCs turn back. If the PCs do not comply, both the elk and its rider attack. 6 The PC with the highest passive Perception hears a tiny voice call out from the ground. The voice belongs to an enchanted snail who would like to be placed on a tall branch just above. A character who helps the snail gains the benefits of the bless spell for 24 hours. A character who harms or kills the snail has the penalty of a bane spell for 24 hours. 7 The PCs step into a grove covered in booby traps left by a tribe of moss lurkers (see Tome of Beasts). 8 A bedraggled veteran stumbles onto the path and begs the PCs to help end its torment. The veteran slew a bird while hunting for food and has become the target of a vengeful pombero (see Tome of Beasts) 9 A clearing in the forest admits the shining silver light of the moons above. In the center of the clearing stands a solitary gloomflower (see Creature Codex), illuminated by a beam of moonlight. 10 A shadow blight (see Creature Codex) has found its way to this part of the forest, searching for dead trees to infect with its taint. It stands motionless next to one such tree, waiting for the PCs to pass. 11 A lumbering bear comes into view. It raises its head, and its deer-like antlers and burning red eyes mark it as more than a normal bear. The spawn of Chernobog (see Creature Codex) roars and attacks. 12 A wolpertinger (see Creature Codex) sits in the party’s path. It hops once, then twice, off the path and into the underbrush. If the party follows, it leads them to their destination in half the time. If the party attacks, it flees. d12 Lore

224 Book of Ebon Tides ENCOUNTERS IN THE FORESTS (CR 5–9) d12 Encounter 1 A trio of deathwisps (see Tome of Beasts) begins to stalk the party. These wisps are born of three murdered shadow fey who mistakenly believe the PCs are the adventurers responsible for their death. 2 The party is approached by a bearfolk druid (see Chapter 9), tracking a creature corrupted by shadow. The druid offers the party information or a safe place to shelter for the night in exchange for assistance in hunting the beast. 3 A chorus of barks heralds the arrival of two hounds of the night (see Tome of Beasts) followed by a keeper of hounds (see Chapter 9). The keeper is training the dogs to hunt humanoids, and they are delighted to sick the dogs on such vulnerable prey. 4 Haunting rustling carries on the wind as two birch sirens (see Chapter 9) have flanked the party, hoping to ensnare them with enchantment. 5 The corpse of an enormous bear lies in the clearing ahead, ensnared by a bear trap. The trap is a gnarkjak (see Tome of Beasts), hoping to prey on any creature inspecting the corpse. 6 A chorus of voices leads you to an overgrown black chapel. Inside, four owl harpies (see Tome of Beasts) sing hymns praising Alquam (see Tome of Beasts), the demon lord of night. 7 The PCs are ambushed by a pair of malphas (see Tome of Beasts), assassins ordered to kill the party at the behest of their mysterious shadow fey lord. 8 The path ahead is filled with black webbing. A successful DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) check reveals these webs aren’t from a spider, and if the DC is exceeded by 5 or more, it is identified as webbing from a somberweave (see Tome of Beasts 2). 9 The PCs hear sobbing cries for help. If they investigate, they discover a shadow fey trapped in the cage atop the head of a lumbering chuhaister (see Creature Codex). The giant entered the Shadow Realm to destroy the fey on their home turf and has been harrying nearby villages. 10 A pile of armor and other belongings can be seen through the trees. The items lie beneath a goliath longlegs (see Creature Codex) that attacks with its Paralytic Web when the PCs are within range. 11 An alseid grovekeeper (see Tome of Beasts) and three alseid (see Tome of Beasts) circle the party and demand to know why they are in their woods. 12 Three mylings approach the party for help in finding their final rest. They lead the PCs to a dense copse of corpse-white trees, where they attempt to drag the PCs into the ground. d12 Encounter

Appendices 225 ENCOUNTERS IN THE FORESTS (CR 10+) d12 Encounter 1 Profane chanting comes from the grove just beyond where five druids conduct an evil ritual under the guidance of a lunar devil (see Tome of Beasts). If the devil is destroyed, the corrupting enchantments on the druids are broken, and they are horrified by their actions. 2 A wounded berstuc (see Tome of Beasts) stumbles onto the path with two treants following closely behind. The berstuc pretends to be a treant, running from the shadowcorrupted treants, and begs the party to help fight off the pursuers. If the PCs fall for this trick and the berstuc survives, it immediately turns its attack on the party. 3 Baying hounds and rallying horn blasts ring through the night as the Lord of the Hunt (see Tome of Beasts) passes through the wood. Every humanoid that can hear the horn must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be compelled to follow the lord through the night. 4 The party happens upon a mavka (see Tome of Beasts), setting fire to a huge swath of forest. She gives the party one chance to walk away, no questions asked, but attacks if they interfere. 5 The earth groans as something massive moves far below your feet, sudden tremors rock the ground, and ancient trees fall into a widening chasm in the earth. The PCs must succeed on a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check to outrun the fissure, or they fall 100 feet into the dark. 6 The sounds of tinkling music and laughter draw you toward a garden party on the lawns of a glittering marble estate. The shadow fey and gnomish nobles in attendance are delighted to introduce inquiring PCs to the host, the Mistress of Midnight Teeth (see Tome of Beasts). 7 You catch glimpses of dark figures just beyond the tree line. PCs who take a closer look discover the figures are overgrown stone statues that look remarkably like the characters. 8 Tinkling music comes from above as a breeze stirs through the trees. You see hundreds of chimes made from humanoid teeth are hanging from the tall branches. 9 An ancient mandriano (see Creature Codex) and three mandriano (see Creature Codex) lurk near a forgotten burial ground. When the PCs pass nearby, they attack. When one of the PCs dies or the ancient mandriano drops to 25 hp, it uses its Call the Dead ability to raise the PC’s corpse or one of the bodies in the burial ground. 10 A bearfolk chieftain (see Creature Codex) and four bearfolk (see Tome of Beasts) charge into view, pursuing three umbral vampires (see Tome of Beasts). If the PCs aid the bearfolk in destroying the vampires, he thanks them with gifts of fresh food and water and an open invitation to his grove. 11 A ravenfolk doom croaker (see Tome of Beasts) and two ravenfolk warriors (see Tome of Beasts) make their way through the forest. They ask to accompany the PCs for a time and share a campfire before going their own way. 12 A swarm of nyctli (see Tome of Beasts 2) stalks the party for as long as it can without being spotted, spying for their mistress. If spotted, the swarm attacks. d12 Encounter

226 Book of Ebon Tides d12 Encounter 1 A trio of shadow fey bandits (see Chapter 9) are camped beside a ramshackle dock on the edge of a river. They offer to ferry the PCs across the river for a hefty sum of coin. If the party refuses, the bandits attack, planning to loot their corpses before pushing them into the river. 2 A group of merchants (commoners) stands arguing in a cluster just in front of a stone bridge, crossing a black river. A river spirit (see Chapter 9) has recently taken possession of the bridge and won’t allow anyone to pass until a champion defeats it in single combat. 3 The sound of flapping wings fills the air as three stryx (see Tome of Beasts) land on the rocky shore ahead. The stryx are collecting information for the Moonlit King (see Tome of Beasts and Chapter 6), and they ask the PCs a series of odd questions before flying away. 4 The PC with the highest passive Perception notices that two swarms of ravens have been following the party for the last hour. If the party does nothing, the ravens continue to watch the party while they remain in the area. If the party harms or interferes with the ravens, a keeper of ravens (see Chapter 9) appears to dole out justice. 5 One of the PCs has unwittingly caught the eye of a jealous shadow fey noble who sends a sluagh swarm (see Tome of Beasts) to dispose of them. 6 A ball of gentle blue light appears in the distance, parting the oppressive gloom. It patiently bobs in place as if waiting for you to follow. The light is a friendly witchlight (see Tome of Beasts) that guides the party safely to their destination if followed. 7 The PCs unwittingly catch the notice of a woe siphon (see Tome of Beasts 2) that begins to stalk them. The party begins to experience an increasing series of annoyances and misfortunes until the woe siphon grows strong enough to attack or the PCs catch on to the presence of the creature. 8 A green hag disguised as a lost traveler approaches the party asking for help. If the situation turns hostile, four nyctli (see Tome of Beasts 2) spring out of hiding to help their mistress. 9 Three shadow skeletons (see Creature Codex) lie motionless beside the black waters of a shadowy river, waiting to ambush travelers. 10 A hungry lou caracohl (see Creature Codex) has extended its six tongues in a 60-foot-radius around itself. As the PCs pass near, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained (as per the creature’s Sticky Tongues ability). If all the PCs avoid the tongues, it attacks. 11 A glass gator waits at the edge of the water, nearly invisible in the gloom. 12 Three miremals (see Tome of Beasts) offer to lead the party safely through the swamp but instead lure them deeper into the muck and mire until the PCs are lost and confused, and then they attack. ENCOUNTERS IN THE MARSHES AND RIVERS (CR 1–4) d12 Encounter

Appendices 227 d12 Encounter 1 A dwarf stumbles out of a nearby bank of reeds and professes to have no memory of who they are or what they are doing here. This dwarf is one of many victims of a local memory thief (see Chapter 9) who has been stalking victims and staging them to think they’ve fallen into memory-leeching waters of the realm. 2 After miles of fetid bogs and brackish water, you spot a clear blue pond full of fresh water. The pond is a wandering pond (see Chapter 9) disguised as the only drinkable water amidst the marsh. 3 A shadow fey enchantress (see Tome of Beasts) suddenly appears before you in a puff of smoke. The enchantress was recently banished from court and is interested in recruiting the PCs to help restore her position. 4 Far in the distance, the party sees a flickering purple figure, depositing something on a marshy bank before it disappears. PCs who investigate the spot find a series of stones arranged to spell “Behind You.” The shadow beast (see Tome of Beasts) who left the message materializes to attack. 5 Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check are alerted to the sound of squelching boots. Characters who fail this check are surprised as a group of three redcaps (see Tome of Beasts) spring to attack from the reeds. 6 Through the dense mist, you see a hunched figure, rooting through the mud. If the PCs attract any attention to themselves, the faceless wanderer (see Tome of Beasts 2) moves to attack. 7 Sticking out of the water, you spot a black crystalline monolith (see Tome of Beasts 2) covered in bizarre symbols. Anyone who speaks Void Speech recognizes the symbols as part of a prophecy heralding the return of an elder god. 8 You stumble upon a series of flat rocks laid out with a sumptuous feast. PCs who examine the scene notice a bright-yellow flower sprouted beside the table. The flower is a swamp lily (see Tome of Beasts 2), and the feast is its poisonous trap. ENCOUNTERS IN THE MARSHES AND RIVERS (CR 5–9) 9 As the PCs travel near a river, the waters churn and erupt as a shadow river lord (see Creature Codex) returns from the mortal world with a freshly reaped soul. 10 A beautiful elven woman steps out of the shadows between trees. Her edges are hazy and indistinct, but her eyes are intense and beguiling. The moon nymph (see Creature Codex) smiles and attacks. 11 As the PCs travel through the marshland, flickering ghostlights and shimmering clouds can be seen, always in the distance. A foxfire ooze creeps closer to the party, using its natural camouflage to approach unseen. 12 Partially submerged ruins jut from the mud and water. An elder shadow drake (see Tome of Beasts) does not take kindly to the party intruding into its territory, and it attacks. d12 Encounter

228 Book of Ebon Tides d12 Encounter 1 From its hiding place, a domovoi (see Tome of Beasts) calls to the party, demanding that they pay a fine for trespassing on private property. The estate that once stood here is long gone, but the domovoi will not be pacified unless it receives something of value as payment. 2 An irate molefolk (see Chapter 9) pops out of the ground, demanding to know why the PCs are making such a racket right above their home. 3 The PCs run into two darakhul (see Tome of Beasts), hunting for fresh meat. 4 A shadhavar (see Tome of Beasts) has just escaped its cruel shadow fey master and tentatively approaches the party, hoping they can help it get to safety. 5 You come upon a circle of tall stones arranged in a circle. Something sparkles in the grass at the center. The sparkling object in a shiny rock laying atop a carnivorous sod (see Tome of Beasts 2) disguised as grass. 6 Tucked amidst the rolling hills is a gated square surrounded by high stone walls. PCs who enter (the gate lock has long since rusted away) find the remains of a monastery garden kept by a lonely dancing foliage (see Tome of Beasts 2). ENCOUNTERS IN THE PLAINS, HILLS, AND MOUNTAINS (CR 1–4) d12 Encounter 7 Glass marbles are hurled at you from twisted briars just beyond. An orphan of the black (see Tome of Beasts 2) creeps through the brambles, hoping the party wants to play. 8 Two shadow fey forest hunters (see Tome of Beasts) come running down the hillside toward you, pursued by an oozing black overshadow (see Tome of Beasts 2). 9 A dark father (see Creature Codex) has begun trailing the party. It is not hostile until attacked, and it instead watches them from a distance, though always within view. 10 Six bucca (see Tome of Beasts) emerge from a nearby cave to attack the passing PCs. 11 A silent, cloaked figure approaches the party through the gloom. It does not answer any shouted inquiries, nor does it remove its hood. The figure is a mindrot thrall (see Tome of Beasts) that continues toward the group until it is close enough to engulf most of the party with its Acid Breath. 12 A massive, horned beetle rushes toward the party. The beetle is actually a skitterhaunt (see Tome of Beasts), infesting the carcass of a giant beetle.

Appendices 229 d12 Encounter 1 A sudden explosion draws attention to a ramshackle building—and it is engulfed in flames. Two squabbling gnomish distillers (see Chapter 9) run outside their laboratory and attack each other if the party does not intervene. 2 A knight of shadows (see Chapter 9) has grown bored while patrolling the region and approaches the party for some entertainment (torment). 3 You nearly trip over a human sleeping in the grass. A rose golem (see Chapter 9) guards the ruins of a nearby estate and has put several recent passersby to sleep. 4 Raucous laughter and music drift down the hillside from a camp of 13 satyrs. The satyrs are happy to wine and dine the party but intend to slit their throats and rob any PCs who let down their guard. 5 The PCs run into two iron ghouls (see Tome of Beasts), hunting for fresh meat. 6 On the hill just beyond, you can see the smashed remains of a massive stone gate. PCs who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check know that this gate was once a giant portal to the mortal world. Only a creature of immense power could have completely destroyed such a structure. 7 Sharp hissing is the only warning given before the party is swarmed by two umbral vampires (see Tome of Beasts). 8 Sounds of clattering and pickaxes alert you to a mining operation just over the next ridge. PCs who investigate find a band of darakhul led by a darakhul captain (see Tome of Beasts), forcing a band of enslaved commoners to dig out a collapsed cavern. 9 A shadow fey knight of the road (see Creature Codex), riding a lou carcohl (see Creature Codex), blocks the PCs’ path and demands payment for passage through her territory. If the PCs refuse, she and her mount attack. 10 A moon drake (see Creature Codex) soars overhead. If the party follows it, they lose sight of it at an ancient circle of standing stones. ENCOUNTERS IN THE PLAINS, HILLS, AND MOUNTAINS (CR 5–9) d12 Encounter 11 Six flesh reavers (see Creature Codex) have managed to get free of their handlers and are hunting the hillsides for living flesh. They converge on the party as soon as they are spotted. 12 A portion of the sod shifts and moves toward the party as a corrupting ooze (see Tome of Beasts) slinks along the ground to attack.

230 Book of Ebon Tides d12 Encounter 1 A group of commoners led by a bearfolk thunderstomper (see Chapter 9) approaches from farther down the road. The bearfolk is escorting this group of settlers to the Moonlit Glades and offers to bring the PCs along. 2 A moonshadow catcher (see Chapter 9) and their three shadow goblin minions (see Creature Codex) ambush the PCs, attempting to incapacitate them and take them to a local fey looking for test subjects. 3 Hooting and jeering comes from just ahead where a crowd of goblins watches two shadow goblin chieftains fight. If the PCs watch the action, the losing chieftain offers the party a fortune to help him kill the winning chieftain. If the party accepts the offer, four shadow goblins (see Creature Codex) loyal to the winning chieftain join the fight. ENCOUNTERS ON THE ROAD (CR 1–4) d12 Encounter 4 A sable elf hierophant (see Chapter 9), escorted by two sable elf (see Chapter 9) handmaidens, takes an interest in one of the characters. She extends an invitation for the PC to visit her at her patron’s mansion. 5 A rowdy pair of shadow fey duelists (see Tome of Beasts), escorted by a shadow fey guardian (see Tome of Beasts), waylay any travelers they meet along the road. 6 The road before you is stained with slashes of black-crusted blood. The grisly trail leads to a flipped-over cart that has been torn apart. There are no signs of the cart’s owners. 7 A solitary ravenfolk (see Tome of Beasts) dressed in black robes waves down the party. It politely asks for one of the PCs to sing a song. If the PCs oblige, the ravenfolk listens, whispers, “That’s not the one,” and hands the singer some gold for their time. 8 A recently exiled scrofin (see Tome of Beasts 2) sits drinking on the side of the road. It waves over passersbys, eager to share its bottle and discuss its troubles with fey politics. 9 A piercing shriek fills the air and continues unabated until the PCs investigate or leave the area. If the PCs investigate, they find a young basket-carrying shadow fey unconscious beside an uprooted great mandrake (see Creature Codex). The mandrake continues to use its Shriek ability and attacks any creature that come within 10 feet of it. 10 An inebriated dhampir (see Creature Codex) stumbles upon the party and begs their help in finding his signet ring, which he lost in a drunken scuffle with a shadow fey. 11 A dirty and scarred book lies abandoned on the side of the road. It might be a spellbook but will require more study to decode. An inkling (see Creature Codex) hides within, waiting until it is put in a bag with other books to explore its new surroundings and devour the ink on their pages. 12 A quiet, bookish shadow fey recently passed away, and his lantern dragonette (see Tome of Beasts) found itself on the streets. It approaches the party, asking for candles it can eat. If they’re kind and feed it, it accompanies them for a time.

Appendices 231 ENCOUNTERS ON THE ROAD (CR 5–9) d12 Encounter 1 The imposing figure of a monolith champion (see Tome of Beasts) greets you as it paces in front of a shrine just off the road. 2 A fardorocha (see Tome of Beasts 2) approaches the party, bearing an invitation to a nearby fey estate. 3 A fey revenant (see Tome of Beasts 2) has been given leave to hunt humanoids as a birthday present from the Queen of Night and Magic. The PCs are selected as the revenant’s first quarry. 4 Just ahead, villagers crowd around a hastily constructed stage. The people look on in horror as a jack of strings (see Tome of Beasts 2) uses their magic to force a young man to beat himself. 5 A carriage with blackened windows pulls up alongside the PCs. Its occupants are two lunarians (see Tome of Beasts 2), hoping to get directions to the closest umbral tailor (see Chapter 9). The lunarians hope the tailor can cure them of their curse, but they welcome any interested PCs to join them on their journey. 6 A gargantuan wall of thorns completely blocks the road. The PCs must leave the safety of the road to go around the thorns or confront the thornheart guardian (see Tome of Beasts 2) that has created the blockage. 7 After a long stretch of travel through the cold fog, you see a stone guardhouse built along the roadside. It appears to be empty and to be a perfect place to rest. If the PCs take a rest in the guardhouse, they are attacked mid-sleep by one of the walls, which is a walled horror (see Tome of Beasts 2). 8 Thunderous hoofbeats come from behind as two knights of shadow (see Chapter 9) ride to destroy a trio of werynax (see Tome of Beasts 2), causing havoc on the road up ahead. PCs who assist the knights in their hunt have the opportunity to garner favor with the courts. 9 A karakura (see Creature Codex) lurks in the shadows just off the road. As the PCs pass by, it uses its Shroud of Darkness ability on the last PC in the group. Since the PCs are already in the Shadow Realm, if the PC fails their Charisma saving throw, they are instead engulfed in an invulnerable cocoon of shadow until the effect ends. d12 Encounter 10 A mirror hag (see Tome of Beasts) has begun plaguing a nearby shadow fey town, delighting in causing chaos among the self-absorbed fey nobles. The hag disguises herself as an elderly fey and targets the PC with the highest Charisma score with her Reconfiguring Curse. 11 A miserable-looking dog approaches the party. The dog is a hulking welp (see Tome of Beasts) in search of friendship. If the PCs treat it kindly, it accompanies them as long as they allow it. If they harm or are otherwise cruel to it, it uses its Unleashed Emotion ability to grow in size and then attacks. 12 A kikimora (see Tome of Beasts) has recently been forcibly evicted from the home it was plaguing. It spots the party and begs them to help it find new lodgings, where it will cause misery and destruction.

232 Book of Ebon Tides ENCOUNTERS ON THE ROAD (CR 10+) d12 Encounter 1 The roads buckle beneath your feet as a flickering, gigantic figure phases into view. The figure is an irate shadow giant (see Tome of Beasts 2), looking for any excuse to take out its frustration. 2 The mists part to reveal an abandoned village just off the road. The villagers fell prey to an incarnate gloom (see Tome of Beasts 2), eager to make the PCs its next meal. 3 A disguised luck leech (see Tome of Beasts 2) approaches the PCs, challenging them to a “friendly” game of chance. If the luck leech begins to lose, it chooses to attack the victor and rob them. 4 A gleaming repository (see Tome of Beasts 2) emerges from the mists, bearing an invitation for the PCs to dine with its psychic vampire (see Tome of Beasts 2) master. If the party accepts, the repository leads them to the vampire’s nearby subterranean estate. 5 A team of deep gnomes has pulled off the side of the road to repair their broken steam golem (see Tome of Beasts). The golem is a gift to the Queen of Night and Magic (see Tome of Beasts), and the gnomes are desperate for help repairing it. 6 Screaming comes from just ahead as a squad of four darakhul are being chased by a hungry gug (see Tome of Beasts). 7 Trails of smoke drift toward you from a burned-down village. Anyone who approaches sees a mountain of bodies blazing at its center. The village is actually an illusory haunt, and the bodies are a corpse mound (see Tome of Beasts), which attacks anyone who comes close. 8 A being of shining golden light suddenly falls from the sky and lands before you. The Radiant Lord (see Chapter 9) introduces themselves and politely asks if the PCs have seen any locations in their travels that would be fit for constructing an observation tower. 9 Hoofbeats can be heard as a vampire patrician (see Creature Codex), his three vampire spawn escorts, and their mounts draw near to the PCs on the road. The vampire patrician will stop and exchange pleasantries with the party, for he’s interested in their business in the Shadow Realm. The vampires are not hostile and only attack if attacked first. 10 An enraged shadow fey ambassador (see Creature Codex) and her dream squire (see Creature Codex) stand at the side of the road, robbed of their goods. The ambassador hails the PCs and demands they pursue the three shadow fey knights of the road (see Creature Codex) and retrieve their stolen belongings. 11 A dullahan (see Tome of Beasts) gallops down the road, preparing to cut down the party and any who stand in their way. 12 A fear smith (see Tome of Beasts), accompanied by a shadow fey guardian (see Tome of Beasts), confronts the characters in a dark alley or lonely road. d12 Encounter

Appendices 233 Appendix: Shadow Realm Creatures by Terrain A non-exhaustive list of possible creatures that you may encounter in the Shadow Realm is provided here, organized by terrain and challenge rating and with options provided from the core rules and from Tome of Beasts (TOB), Creature Codex (CC), and Tome of Beasts 2 (TOB2)—and from this volume, Book of Ebon Tides (see Chapter 9). FORESTS CR 0 Awakened Shrub Badger Commoner Deer Owl CR 1/8 Bandit Giant Weasel Kobold Leonino (CC) Mastiff Poisonous Snake Stirge Stryx (TOB) CR 1/4 Blink Dog Boar Elk Erina Scrounger (TOB) Forest Falcon (TOB2) Giant Badger Giant Bat Giant Owl Giant Poisonous Snake Giant Wolf Spider Goblin Grove Bear (TOB2) Nyctli (TOB2) Pseudodragon Shadow Fey (Elves) (TOB) Sootwing Giant Moth (CC) Sprite Suturefly (TOB) Swarm of Ravens Treacle (TOB) Witchlight (TOB) Wolf Wolpertinger (CC) CR 1/2 Alseid (TOB) Black Bear Foxin (CC) Giant Wasp Hobgoblin Lantern Dragonette (TOB) Ravenfolk Scout (TOB) Sable Elf (see Chapter 9) Satyr Swarm of Insects Woodwose (CC) Worg CR 1 Albino Death Weasel (CC) Brown Bear Bugbear Bulbous Violet (TOB2) Carbuncle (CC) Child of the Briar (TOB) Crimson Drake (TOB) Dire Wolf Dogmole (TOB) Dryad Erina Defender (TOB) Giant Spider Giant Toad Harpy Leshy (TOB) Molefolk (see Chapter 9) Moss Lurker (TOB) Serpentine Lamia (CC) Shadow Blight (CC) Shadow Fey Bandit (see Chapter 9) Shockwing Giant Moth (CC) Wirbeln Fungi (CC) CR 2 Ankheg Awakened Tree Bandit Captain Centaur Ettercap Forest Drake (CC) Giant Boar Giant Elk Giant Vampire Bat (CC) Green Dragon Wyrmling Grick Lunarchidna, Lesser (TOB2) Ogre Pegasus Rageipede (CC) Shadhavar (TOB) Shadow Goblin Chieftain (see Chapter 9) Shadow Skeleton (CC) Swarm of Poisonous Snakes Wererat (Lycanthrope) White Stag (CC) Will-o’-wisp Wind Weasel (CC)

234 Book of Ebon Tides CR 3 Alseid Grovekeeper (TOB) Amphiptere (TOB) Bagiennik (TOB) Basilisk Bearfolk (TOB) Duskthorn Dryad (TOB) Fang of the Great Wolf (Worg) (CC) Far Darrig (TOB) Giant Albino Bat (CC) Goat-Man (TOB) Gold Dragon Wyrmling Green Hag Korrigan (CC) Millitaur (TOB) Moonshadow Catcher (see Chapter 9) Owlbear Peluda Drake (CC) Phase Spider Pombero (TOB) Prismatic Beetle Swarm (TOB) Ravenfolk Warrior (TOB) Veteran Vine Golem (TOB2) Werewolf (Lycanthrope) CR 4 Amber Ooze (TOB2) Azeban (CC) Dancing Foliage (TOB2) Death Butterfly Swarm (TOB) Deathcap Myconid (TOB) Domovoi (TOB) Forest Marauder (TOB) Lunarchidna, Greater (TOB2) Overshadow (TOB2) Sap Demon (TOB) Wereboar (Lycanthrope) CR 5 Asanbosam (TOB) Centaur Chieftain (CC) Gorgon Lindwurm (TOB) Mandriano (CC) Moon Drake (CC) Owl Harpy (TOB) Quickstep (CC) Ravenala (TOB) Ravenfolk Doom Croaker (TOB) Razorleaf (CC) Sable Elf Hierophant (see Chapter 9) Serpentine Lamia Matriarch (CC) Shadow Fey Forest Hunter (Elves) (TOB) Shambling Mound Troll Unicorn Vila (TOB) Werebear (Lycanthrope) Xiphus (CC) Zmey Headling (TOB) CR 6 Bearfolk Druid (see Chapter 9) Bloom Hydra (TOB2) Child of Yggdrasil (CC) Death Butterfly Swarm, Greater (TOB) Green Knight of the Woods (CC) Gulon (CC) Likho (TOB) Piasa (CC) Redcap (TOB) Transcendent Lunarchidna (TOB2) Weeping Treant (TOB) Wolf Spirit Swarm (TOB) CR 7 Chuhaister (CC) Goliath Longlegs (CC) Shadow Beast (TOB) Shadow Drake, Elder (TOB) Shadow Fey Enchantress (Elves) (TOB) Ulnorya (TOB2) CR 8 Arborcyte (CC) Dragonleaf Tree (TOB) Green Dragon, Young Mandriano, Ancient (CC) Savager (TOB) Vines of Nemthyr (CC) CR 9 Bukavac (TOB) Flame-Scourged Scion (CC) Ghostwalk Spider (TOB) Knight of Shadows (see Chapter 9) Kulmking (CC) Shadow Fey Ambassador (Elves) (CC) Shadow River Lord (CC) Treant Wickerman (CC) Wraith Bear (TOB2) CR 10 Birch Siren (see Chapter 9) Chameleon Hydra (TOB2) Colláis (TOB2) Foxfire Ooze (CC) Gold Dragon, Young Nyctli Swarm (TOB2) CR 11 Ychen Bannog (TOB) CR 12 Derendian Moth Abomination (TOB2) Bear King (Fey Lord) (TOB) Reynard (Fey Lord) (CC) Horned Serpent (CC) CR 14 Zmey (TOB) CR 15 Green Dragon, Adult CR 16 Berchta (Fey Lady) (CC)

Appendices 235 GRASSLANDS AND PLAINS CR 0 Commoner Deer Eagle Goat Vulture CR 1/8 Flying Snake Giant Weasel Kobold Poisonous Snake Pony Stirge CR 1/4 Alliumite (CC) Boar Elk Erina Scrounger (TOB) Giant Poisonous Snake Giant Wolf Spider Goblin Riding Horse Sable Elf (see Chapter 9) Shadow Fey (Elves) (TOB) Sootwing Giant Moth (CC) Witchlight (TOB) Wolf CR 1/2 Burrowling (TOB) co*ckatrice Giant Goat Giant Wasp Hobgoblin Swarm of Insects Worg CR 1 Bugbear Erina Defender (TOB) Giant Eagle Giant Vulture Hippogriff Shockwing Giant Moth (CC) Wind Dragon Wyrmling (TOB) CR 2 Ankheg Centaur Eala (TOB) Giant Boar Giant Elk Giant Vampire Bat (CC) Griffon Ogre Pegasus Roggenwolf (CC) Shadhavar (CC) Shadow Goblin Chieftain (see Chapter 9) CR 3 Darakhul (Ghoul) (TOB) Fang of the Great Wolf (Worg) (CC) Far Darrig (TOB) Ghost Boar (CC) Giant Albino Bat (CC) Manticore Phase Spider Veteran CR 4 Death Butterfly Swarm (TOB) Frostveil (TOB) Mammoth Mngwa (TOB) Overshadow (TOB2) Serpopard (TOB) Tusked Skyfish (TOB) Wereboar (Lycanthrope) CR 5 Bulette Centaur Chieftain (CC) Gorgon Hound of the Night (TOB) Sleipnir (CC) Three-Headed Cobra (CC) Tusked Crimson Ogre (CC) Vapor Lynx (TOB) Wandering Pond (see Chapter 9) CR 6 Bearfolk Druid (see Chapter 9) Chimera Death Butterfly Swarm, Greater (TOB) Dracotaur (CC) Ghost Boar, Elder (CC) Werynax (TOB2) Wind Dragon, Young (TOB) Wolf Spirit Swarm (TOB) Zouyu (TOB2) CR 7 Giant Sloth (CC) CR 8 Arborcyte (CC) Degenerate Titan (TOB) Neophron Demon (CC) Oliphaunt (CC) Savager (TOB) Vines of Nemthyr (CC) CR 9 Fulminar (CC) Kulmking (CC) CR 10 Foxfire Ooze (CC) Gold Dragon, Young CR 12 Horned Serpent (CC) CR 13 Bonespitter (TOB2) Noth-Norren (TOB2)

236 Book of Ebon Tides CR 17 Gold Dragon, Adult Wind Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 20+ Jotun Giant (TOB) HILLS AND MOUNTAINS CR 0 Eagle Goat Raven Vulture CR 1/8 Bandit Blood Hawk Giant Moth (CC) Giant Weasel Guard Mule Shroud (TOB) Stirge CR 1/4 Azza Gremlin (TOB) Boar Elk Erina Scrounger (TOB) Giant Owl Giant Wolf Spider Goblin Living Shade (CC) Panther Pseudodragon Shadow Fey (Elves) (TOB) Skull Lantern (CC) Snow Cat (CC) Sootwing Giant Moth (CC) Swarm of Bats Swarm of Ravens Witchlight (TOB) Wolf CR 1/2 Alkonost (CC) Bucca (TOB) Fraughashar (TOB) Giant Goat Hobgoblin Orc Ravenfolk Scout (TOB) Skin bat (TOB) Storm Spirit (CC) Void Cultist (CC) Worg CR 1 Brown Bear Copper Dragon Wyrmling Dark Servant (Dark Folk) (CC) Dire Wolf Dogmole (TOB) Erina Defender (TOB) Eye of the Gods Angel (CC) Giant Eagle Harpy Hippogriff Mountain Strider (TOB2) Phantom (CC) Serpentine Lamia (CC) CR 2 Beli (TOB) Eala (TOB) Fear Liath (CC) Giant Boar Giant Elk Giant Vampire Bat (CC) Griffon Kot Bayun (TOB) Lady in White (CC) Light Dragon Wyrmling (CC) Noctiny (TOB) Ogre Pegasus Peryton Saber-Toothed Tiger Scitalis (CC) Shadhavar (TOB) Silver Dragon Wyrmling Trollkin Grunt (CC) Vampire Thrall (CC) Vile Barber (TOB) Void Dragon Wyrmling (TOB) Wind Demon (CC) Wind Eater (CC) CR 3 Abbanith Giant (TOB2) Basilisk Cave Drake (TOB2) Dark Eye (Dark Folk) (CC) Elvish Veteran Archer (TOB) Flame Dragon Wyrmling (TOB) Giant Albino Bat (CC) Gloomflower (CC) Goat-Man (TOB) Green Hag Hell Hound Manticore Phase Spider Ravenfolk Warrior (TOB) Skull Drake (CC) Sluagh Swarm (TOB) Spire Walker (TOB) Thursir Giant (TOB) Veteran Werebat (Lycanthrope) (CC) Werewolf (Lycanthrope) CR 4 Ash Drake (TOB) Bereginyas (TOB) Carrion Beetle (TOB) Ettin Firebird (TOB) Flab Giant (TOB) Frostveil (TOB) Lich Hound (TOB) Overshadow (TOB2) Red Dragon Wyrmling Shadow Fey Guardian (Elves) (TOB) Trollkin Reaver (TOB) Trollkin Shaman (CC)

Appendices 237 Unhatched (CC) Wereboar Wind’s Harp Devil (CC) CR 5 Air Elemental Aridni (TOB) Black Knight Commander (TOB) Bulette Corrupting Ooze (TOB) Dark Voice (Dark Folk) (CC) Dogmole Juggernaut (TOB) Dream Wraith (CC) Fellforged (TOB) Gorgon Hill Giant Hound of the Night (TOB) Hulking Whelp (TOB) Lamia Serpentine Matriarch (CC) Lindwurm (TOB) Ravenfolk Doom Croaker (TOB) Sandman (TOB) Shadow Fey Forest Hunter (Elves) (TOB) Shadow Fey Knight of the Road (Elves) (CC) Sleipnir (CC) Troll Werebear (Lycanthrope) Wyvern Knight (CC) CR 6 Bearfolk Chieftain (CC) Chimera Corrupted Ogre Chieftain (TOB) Crimson Mist (CC) Elf Deathsworn (CC) Fate Eater (TOB) Fext (TOB) Fey Drake (CC) Ghost Knight (TOB) Haunted Giant (CC) Malphas (TOB) Mirror Hag (TOB) Mithral Dragon, Young (TOB) Mountain Nymph (TOB2) Necromancer (CC) Nichny (TOB) Pixiu (CC) Redcap (TOB) Rotting Wind (TOB) Scheznyki (TOB) Shadow Fey Duelist (Elves) (TOB) Wind Dragon, Young (TOB) Wyvern CR 7 Alabaster Tree (Planar Flora) (CC) Blood Mage (CC) Copper Dragon, Young Deathwisp (TOB) Dhampir Commander (CC) Elf Enchanter (CC) Fire Dancer Swarm (TOB) Giant Sloth (CC) Red Hag (TOB) Sarsaok (TOB2) Shadow Fey Enchantress (Elves)(TOB) Spark (TOB) Stone Giant Two-Headed Eagle (CC) Umbral Vampire (TOB) Vellso Demon (CC) Void Speaker (CC) War Wyvern (CC) CR 8 Ala (TOB) Ankou Soul Seeker (CC) Blemmyes (TOB) Blood Giant (CC) Bone Collective (TOB) Chained Angel (TOB) Frost Giant Hoard Drake (TOB2) Liosalfar (TOB) Nachzehrer (CC) Qwyllion (TOB) Voidwracked Mage (CC) CR 9 Cloud Giant Fire Giant Flame Dragon, Young (TOB) Lich Hierophant (CC) Monarch Skeleton (CC) Silver Dragon, Young Vine Troll Skeleton (TOB) Void Dragon, Young (TOB) CR 10 Bone Swarm (TOB) Elf Alchemist Archer (CC) Fear Smith (TOB) Grave Behemoth (CC) Nightgaunt (CC) Red Dragon, Young CR 11 Abominable Beauty (TOB) Blood Hag (TOB) Corpse Mound (TOB) Dullahan (TOB) Ghost Dragon (CC) Grim Jester (TOB) Mountain Dryad (TOB2) Roc Vampiric Knight (CC) Void Giant (CC) Voidling (TOB) Wendigo (CC) Ychen Bannog (TOB) CR 12 Ancient Titan (TOB) Bear King (Fey Lord) (TOB) Flutterflesh (TOB) Skein Witch (TOB) CR 13 Mask Wight (TOB) Storm Giant Stuhac (TOB) Vampire Warlock (Variant) (TOB)

238 Book of Ebon Tides CR 14 Cherufe (TOB2) Copper Dragon, Adult Void Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 15 Commander of Horn and Gold (Fey Lord) (TOB2) Drake, Star (TOB) Purple Worm Slow Storm (TOB) CR 16 Silver Dragon, Adult Snow Queen (Fey Lady) (TOB) CR 17 Moonlit King (Fey Lord) (TOB) Queen of Witches (Fey Lady) (TOB) Red Dragon, Adult Wind Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 18 Lord of the Hunt (Fey Lord) (TOB) MARSHES CR 1/8 Giant Rat Kobold Lone Sluagh (Sluagh Swarm) (TOB) Poisonous Snake Shroud (TOB) Stirge CR 1/4 Constrictor Snake Corpse Thief (CC) Exploding Toad (CC) Giant Frog Giant Lizard Giant Poisonous Snake Living Shade (CC) Mud Mephit Otterfolk (TOB2) Resinous Frog (TOB2) Shadow Fey (Elves) (TOB) Skull Lantern (CC) Swamp Adder (Snake) (TOB) Swarm of Rats Swarm of Ravens Witchlight (TOB) CR 1/2 Cackling Skeleton (TOB2) Corrupted Pixie (TOB2) Crocodile Execrable Shrub (Planar Flora) (CC) Flesh Reaver (CC) Fraughashar (TOB) Hallowed Reed (Planar Flora) (CC) Husk (TOB2) Lizardfolk Orc Shadow Goblin (CC) Skin bat (TOB) Swarm of Insects Void Cultist (CC) CR 1 Anophiloi (CC) Boloti (TOB) Dark Servant (Dark Folk) (CC) Ghoul Giant Spider Giant Toad Glass Gator (TOB) Phantom (CC) Sporous Crab (TOB2) Spurred Water Skate (TOB2) Trollkin Raider (TOB2) Wirbeln Fungi (CC) CR 2 Beli (TOB) Black Dragon Wyrmling Blood Zombie (CC) Dragon Skeleton (TOB2) Eala (TOB) Egret Harpy (TOB2) Gargoyle Ghast Giant Constrictor Snake Lady in White (CC) Leech Swarm (TOB2) Light Dragon, Wyrmling (CC) Lou Carcolh Moonshadow Catcher (see Chapter 9) Ogre Putrid Haunt (TOB) Rotsam (TOB2) Scrag, Lesser (CC) Shadhavar (TOB) Shadow Goblin Chieftain (see Chapter 9) Shadow Skeleton (CC) Swampgas Bubble (TOB2) Swarm of Poisonous Snakes Trollkin Grunt (CC) Vampire Thrall (CC) Vile Barber (TOB) Will-o’-wisp Wind Eater (CC) Yumerai (TOB2) CR 3 Bagiennik (TOB) Bloodsapper (TOB2) Carrier Mosquito (TOB2) Dark Eye (Dark Folk) (CC) Drake, Skull (CC) Gloomflower (CC) Green Hag Lazavik (TOB2) Mold Zombie (CC) Purple Slime (CC) Sluagh Swarm (TOB) Swordbreaker Skeleton (TOB2) Viiret (TOB2) Wight CR 4 Bandit Lord (TOB) Battle Mage (CC) Brachyura Shambler (TOB2) Firebird (TOB) Lich Hound (TOB) Lunar Devil, Lesser (see Chapter 9) Mari Lwyd (TOB2)

Appendices 239 Quickserpent (TOB2) Rattok Demon (CC) Serpopard (TOB) Servant of the Unsated God (TOB2) Shadow Fey Guardian (Elves) (TOB) Trollkin Reaver (TOB) Trollkin Shaman (CC) Unhatched (CC) Venom Elemental (CC) CR 5 Aridni (TOB) Befouled Weird (TOB2) Bouda (TOB) Cipactli (Demon) (CC) Corrupting Ooze (TOB) Dark Voice (Dark Folk) (CC) Eleinomae (TOB) Fellforged (TOB) Fleshdreg (TOB2) Giant Crocodile Lord Zombie (CC) Otyugh Scarlet Ibis (TOB2) Shadow Fey Forest Hunter (Elves) (TOB) Shadow Fey Knight of the Road (Elves) (CC) Shambling Mound Somberweave (TOB2) Troll Wandering Pond (see Chapter 9) Water Elemental Willowhaunt (TOB2) Zmey headling (TOB) CR 6 Crimson Mist (CC) Doomspeaker (CC) Drake, Fey (CC) Fext (TOB) Ghost Knight (TOB) Malphas (TOB) Mirror Hag (TOB) Moonchild Naga (CC) Necromancer (CC) Nichny (TOB) Ogrepede (TOB2) Primal Oozer (TOB2) River Giant (see Chapter 9) Rotsam Swarm (TOB2) Rotting Wind (TOB) Shadow Fey Duelist (Elves) (TOB) Spectral Guardian (TOB) Swamp Naga (TOB2) Tar Ooze (TOB2) CR 7 Alabaster Tree (Planar Flora) (CC) Black Dragon, Young Blood Mage (CC) Deathwisp (TOB) Dhampir Commander (CC) Fire Dancers Swarm (TOB) Graveyard Dragon (TOB2) Herald of Darkness (TOB) Lambent Witchfyre (TOB2) Mangrove Treant (TOB2) Red Hag (TOB) Risen Weaver (TOB) Scrag, Greater (CC) Shadow Fey Enchantress (Elves) (TOB) Spark (TOB) Swamp Lily (TOB2) Umbral Vampire (TOB) Void Speaker (CC) CR 8 Blood Giant (CC) Hydra Liosalfar (TOB) Lunar Devil (TOB) Marsh Dire (TOB2) Nachzehrer (CC) Qwyllion (TOB) Voidwracked Mage (CC) War Priest (CC) Xhkarsh (TOB) CR 9 Bukavac (TOB) Hierophant Lich (CC) Monarch Skeleton (CC) Murgrik (TOB2) Plague Spirit (TOB2) Vine Troll Skeleton (TOB) CR 10 Bone Swarm (TOB) Dragon Zombie (TOB2) Fear Smith (TOB) Foxfire Ooze (CC) Nightgaunt (CC) Peat Mammoth (TOB2) CR 11 Abominable Beauty (TOB) Ghost Dragon (CC) Herald of Undeath (CC) Vampiric Knight (CC) Void Giant (CC) Voidling (TOB) CR 12 Culicoid Demon (TOB2) Flutterflesh (TOB) Venom Maw Hydra (CC) CR 13 Mask Wight (TOB) Pustulent Shambler (TOB2) Vampire Warlock (Variant) (TOB) CR 14 Black Dragon, Adult CR 16 Infernal Knight (Devil) (CC) CR 17 Moonlit King (Fey Lord) (TOB) CR 18 Lord of the Hunt (Fey Lord) (TOB)

240 Book of Ebon Tides RIVERS AND OTHER WATERWAYS CR 0 Commoner Crab Eagle Octopus Quipper Sea Horse CR 1/8 Bandit Blood Hawk Giant Crab Guard Kobold Leonino (CC) Merfolk Poisonous Snake Stirge Wharfling (TOB) CR 1/4 Garroter Crab (TOB) Giant Lizard Giant Wolf Spider Pseudodragon Steam Mephit CR 1/2 Bone Crab (TOB) Giant Sea Horse Morphoi (TOB) Reef Shark Rum Gremlin (TOB) Sahuagin CR 1 Gerridae (TOB) Giant Eagle Giant Octopus Giant Toad Glass Gator (TOB) Grindylow (CC) Harpy Swarm of Quippers CR 2 Bandit Captain Bearmit Crab (CC) Berserker Bronze Dragon Wyrmling Deep Ones (TOB) Eel Hound (TOB) Giant Constrictor Snake Griffon Hunter Shark Merrow Ogre Scrag, Lesser (CC) Sea Dragon Wyrmling (TOB) Sea Hag Shadow Skeleton (CC) Shellycoat (TOB) Yann-An-Oed (CC) CR 3 Blue Dragon Wyrmling Kelp Drake (TOB2) Killer Whale Mahoru (TOB) Manticore Purple Slime (CC) Veteran (NPC) CR 4 Deep One Hybrid Priest (TOB) Giant Water Scorpion (TOB2) Laestrigonian Giant (CC) River Spirit (see Chapter 9 ) Shoreline Scrapper (CC) Water Horse (CC) Water Leaper (TOB) Wharfling Swarm (TOB) CR 5 Drowned Maiden (TOB) Gargoctopus (CC) Garroter Crab, Giant (TOB) Giant Shark Lorelei (TOB) Subek (TOB) Undine (CC) Water Elemental Wereshark (Lycanthrope) (TOB2) Windy Wailer (TOB2) CR 6 River Giant (see Chapter 9 ) Rusalka (TOB) Tidehunter (TOB2) CR 7 Coral Drake (TOB) Haleshi (TOB2) Lake Troll (TOB) Light Dragon, Young (CC) Scrag, Greater (CC) Two-Headed Eagle (CC) CR 8 Bronze Dragon, Young Deep One Archimandrite (TOB) Ikuchi (TOB2) Ziphius (CC) CR 9 Blue Dragon, Young Keelbreaker Crab (TOB2) Sea Dragon, Young (TOB) Shadow River Lord (CC) CR 10 Aboleth CR 11 Roc CR 12 Dragon Eel (TOB) CR 13 Devil Shark (CC) Storm Giant Storm Lord (Elemental) (CC) CR 14 Isonade (TOB) Krake Spawn (TOB)

Appendices 241 CR 15 Bronze Dragon, Adult CR 16 Blue Dragon, Adult Light Dragon, Adult (CC) River King (Fey Lord) (TOB) Sea Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 17 Dragon Turtle CR 23 Kraken Emerald Eye (TOB) Eonic Drifter (TOB) Erina Defender (TOB) Flithidir (TOB2) Kobold Trapsmith (TOB) Nodosaurus (Dinosaur) (CC) Pact Drake (CC) Phantom (CC) Ratfolk Rogue (TOB) Ratfolk Warlock (CC) Serpentfolk of Yig (CC) Suppurating Ooze (CC) Wind Dragon, Wyrmling (TOB) CR 2 Beli (TOB) Clockwork Hound (TOB) Cobbleswarm (TOB) Doppelrat (TOB) Dragonborn Elementalist (CC) Dragonborn Heavy Cavalry (CC) Dream Squire (CC) Eala (TOB) Firegeist (TOB) Folk of Leng (TOB) Ink Devil (TOB) Kitsune (CC) Kobold Alchemist (TOB) Kobold Junk Shaman (CC) Lady in White (CC) Light Dragon Wyrmling (CC) Lystrosaurus (Dinosaur) (CC) Myling (TOB) Noctiny (TOB) Paper Drake (TOB) Ratfolk Mercenary (CC) Roachling Lord (TOB) Roachling Scout (CC) Scitalis (CC) Seeping Death Skeleton (Suppurating Ooze) (CC) Shadhavar (TOB) Shadow Fey Pattern Dancer (Elves) (CC) Sigilian (CC) Spider Thief (TOB) On the Road An extremely wide range of creatures from lowly stryx to Demon lords may be found on the Shadow Roads. Surprisingly, the more dangerous they are, the more often they seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere. Some encounters on a Shadow Road are nothing more than a passing nod to Camazotz, Demon Lord of Bats, as he flutters past. SHADOW ROADS CR 1/8 Lone Sluagh (Sluagh Swarm) (TOB) Shroud (TOB) Stryx (TOB) CR 1/4 Alliumite (CC) Clurichaun (TOB) Erina Scrounger (TOB) Goreling (CC) Living Shade (CC) Living Wick (TOB) Molefolk (see Chapter 9) Ramag (TOB) Ratfolk (TOB) Roachling Skirmisher (TOB) Shadow Fey (Elves) (TOB) Treacle (TOB) Witchlight (TOB) CR 1/2 Alehouse Drake (TOB) Beggar Ghoul (TOB) Bucca (TOB) Burrowling (TOB) Chupacabra (CC) Clockwork Beetle (TOB) Corpse Thief (CC) Empty Cloak (TOB) Execrable Shrub (Planar Flora) (CC) Fire Imp (Devil) (CC) Flesh Reaver (CC) Foxin (CC) Fraughashar (TOB) Keyhole Dragonette (TOB2) Kobold Spellclerk (TOB2) Nalusa Falaya (CC) Nkosi (TOB) Ravenfolk Scout (TOB) Rubble Swarm (Shard Swarm) (CC) Shard Swarm (CC) Skin bat (TOB) Sooze (Shoth) (CC) Tosculi Drone (TOB) Void Cultist (CC) Weirding Scroll (CC) CR 1 Alchemical Apprentice Ooze (CC) Chernomoi (TOB) Dark Servant (Dark Folk) (CC) Dhampir (CC) Dragonborn Light Cavalry (CC) Elite Kobold (CC)

242 Book of Ebon Tides Tosculi Warriors (TOB) Trollkin Grunt (CC) Uraeus (TOB) Vampire Thrall (CC) Vile Barber (TOB) Wind Demon (CC) Wind Eater (CC) CR 3 Ahu-Nixta (CC) Bleakheart (TOB2) Bloody Bones (CC) Bronze Golem (CC) Catscratch (TOB2) Clockwork Huntsman (TOB) Dark Eye Dark Folk (CC) Dragonborn Edjet (CC) Elvish Veteran Archer (TOB) Fang of the Great Wolf (Worg) (CC) Far Darrig (TOB) Far Wanderer (CC) Freezing Shadow Ooze (CC) Ghast of Leng (CC) Ghost Boar (CC) Lesser Wood Golem (CC) Mbielu (Dinosaur) (TOB) Monolith Footman (TOB) Orthrus (CC) Plaresh Demon (CC) Preta (Hungry Ghost) (CC) Shadow Boxer (TOB2) Shadow Ooze (CC) Skull Drake (CC) Snake with a Hundred Mage Hands (TOB2) Thursir Giant (TOB) War Chaplain (CC) Werebat (Lycanthrope) (CC) Werehyena (Lycanthrope) (CC) Wolf Reaver Dwarf (TOB) CR 4 Ash Drake (TOB) Bandit Lord (TOB) Battle Mage (CC) Cats of Ulthar (CC) City Watch Captain (TOB) Death Butterfly Swarm (TOB) Dwarf Graveslayer (CC) Firebird (TOB) Gear Mage (CC) Gremlin Rum Lord (TOB2) Ink Guardian Ooze (CC) Kobold Chieftain (TOB) Lich Hound (TOB) Necrophage Ghast (Ghoul) (CC) Nkosi Pridelord (TOB) Ortifex (TOB2) Philosopher’s Ghost (CC) Ratatosk (TOB) Rattok Demon (CC) Servant of Yig (CC) Shadow Fey Guardian (Elves) (TOB) Tar Ghoul (CC) Tosculi Jeweled Drone (CC) Trollkin Reaver (TOB) Trollkin Shaman (CC) Tusked Skyfish (TOB) Vaettir (TOB) Yek Demon (CC) CR 5 Aridni (TOB) Black Knight Commander (TOB) Bouda (TOB) Centaur Chieftan (CC) Cipactli Demon (CC) Clockwork Abomination (TOB) Corrupting Ooze (TOB) Dark Voice (Dark Folk) (CC) Dream Eater (TOB) Dream Wraith (CC) Dvarapala (CC) Dwarf Cleric of the Brew (CC) Fellforged (TOB) Fierstjerren (CC) Gnomish Distiller (see Chapter 9) Gnomish Knife Cultist (CC) Hound of the Night (TOB) Hulking Whelp (TOB) Karakura (CC) Kikimora (TOB) Lamia Serpentine Matriarch (CC) Lord Zombie (CC) Mi-Go (TOB) Oth (Shoth) (CC) Owl Harpy (TOB) Quickstep (CC) Ramag Portal Master (CC) Ratatosk Warlord (CC) Ravenfolk Doom Croaker (TOB) Sandman (TOB) Shadow Fey Forest Hunter (Elves) (TOB) Shadow Fey Knight of the Road (Elves) (CC) Sleipnir (CC) Spawn of Akyishigal (Demon) (TOB) Spawn of Arbeyach (Devil) (TOB) Spawn of Parzelon (Devil) (CC) Spree (Demon) (CC) Temple Dog (TOB) Three-Headed Cobra (CC) Tusked Crimson Ogre (CC) Vapor Lynx (TOB) Wormhearted Suffragan (TOB) Xiphus (CC) CR 6 Bearfolk Chieftain (CC) Blood Ooze (CC) Clockwork Assassin (CC) Crimson Mist (CC) Crystalline Devil (TOB) Death Butterfly Swarm, Greater (TOB) Doomspeaker (CC) Dracotaur (CC) Elf Deathsworn (CC) Elf Servant of the Vine (CC) Fate Eater (TOB) Fext (TOB) Fey Drake (CC) Gearforged Templar (TOB) Ghost Boar, Elder (CC) Ghost Dwarf (CC) Ghost Knight (TOB) Kobold King (CC) Loxoda (TOB)

Appendices 243 Malphas (TOB) Mirror Hag (TOB) Moonchild Naga (CC) Necromancer (CC) Nichny (TOB) Nightgarm (TOB) Ouroboros (CC) Shadow Fey Duelist (Elves) (TOB) Spectral Guardian (TOB) Wind Dragon, Young (TOB) Wolf Spirit Swarm (TOB) CR 7 Alabaster Tree (Planar Flora) (CC) Blood Mage (CC) Dhampir Commander (CC) Dissimortuum (TOB) Dwarven ringmage (TOB) Einherjar (TOB) Elf Enchanter (CC) Fire Dancer Swarm (TOB) Giant Sloth (CC) Gilded Devil (TOB) Herald of Darkness (TOB) Psoglav Demon (TOB) Red Hag (TOB) Risen Weaver (TOB) Sentinel in Darkness (CC) Shadow Fey Enchantress (Elves) (TOB) Silenal (TOB2) Soul Eater (TOB) Spark (TOB) Umbral Vampire (TOB) Vellso Demon (CC) Void Speaker (CC) CR 8 Ankou Soul Seeker (CC) Arborcyte (CC) Arcane Spectral Guardian (TOB) Blood Giant (CC) Bone Collective (TOB) Chronalmental (TOB) Clockwork Dragon (CC) Degenerate Titan (TOB) Dragonleaf Tree (TOB) Emerald Order Cult Leader (TOB) Feyward Tree (TOB) Fractal Golem (CC) Hound of Tindalos (CC) Kishi Demon (TOB) Liosalfar (TOB) Lunar Devil (TOB) Manastorm Golem (CC) Monolith Champion (TOB) Moon Nymph (CC) Nachzehrer (CC) Neophron Demon (CC) Oliphaunt (CC) Qwyllion (TOB) Ring Servant (CC) Rust Drake (TOB) Tetomatli (TOB2) Thief Lord (CC) Vampire Priestess (CC) Vines of Nemthyr (CC) Voidwracked Mage (CC) War Priest (CC) Xhkarsh (TOB) CR 9 Alchemical Golem (CC) Alnaar Demon (CC) Devilbound Gnomish Prince (TOB) Eater of Dust (TOB) Fulad-Zereh Demon (CC) Gaki-Jikininki (Hungry Ghost) (CC) Hierophant Lich (CC) Lotus Golem (CC) Malakbel Demon (TOB) Monarch Skeleton (CC) Righteous Sentinel (TOB2)

244 Book of Ebon Tides Shadow Fey Ambassador (Elves) (CC) Vine Troll Skeleton (TOB) Yek Demon, Alpha (CC) CR 10 Algorith (TOB) Altar Flame Golem (CC) Automata Devil (TOB) Bone Swarm (TOB) Doom Golem (CC) Elf Alchemist Archer (CC) Fear Smith (TOB) Grave Behemoth (CC) Hundun (TOB) Lamassu (CC) Nightgaunt (CC) Rubezahl Demon (TOB) Theullai (TOB) Vampire Patrician (CC) CR 11 Abominable Beauty (TOB) Berstuc Demon (TOB) Blood Hag (TOB) Buraq (TOB) Corpse Mound (TOB) Dragonborn Ouroban (CC) Dullahan (TOB) Eye Golem (TOB) Ghost Dragon (CC) Grim Jester (TOB) Herald of Slaughter (TOB2) Herald of Undeath (CC) Koralk Devil (TOB) Mouse King (Animal Lord) (CC) Naina (TOB) Shadow Fey Poisoner (Elves) (CC) Valkyrie (TOB) Vampiric Knight (CC) Void Giant (CC) Voidling (TOB) CR 12 Akyishigal of co*ckroaches (Demon Lord) (TOB) Ancient Titan (TOB) Chort Devil (TOB) Chronomatic Enhancer (TOB2) Droth (Shoth) (CC) Herald of Blood (TOB) Herald of Fire (CC) Knight of Shadows (See Chapter 9) Mavka (TOB) Skein Witch (TOB) Son of Fenris (TOB) Tosculi Queen (TOB) Virtuoso Lich (TOB2) CR 13 Bat King (Animal Lord) (CC) Chittr’k’k of Rats (Demon Lord) (CC) Clockwork Archon (TOB2) Haugbui (TOB) Mask Wight (TOB) Psychic Vampire (TOB2) Steam Golem (TOB) Vampire Warlock (TOB) CR 14 Cambium (TOB) Orobas Devil (TOB) Three-Headed Clockwork Dragon (CC) CR 15 Herald of the Great Wyrm (CC) Ia’Affrat the Insatiable (Arch-Devil) (TOB) Pact Lich (CC) Queen of Cats (Animal Lord) (CC) Rakshasa, Greater (CC) Star-Spawn of Cthulhu (TOB) Whisperer in Darkness (CC) CR 16 Berchta (Fey Lady) (CC) Infernal Knight (Devil) (CC) Snow Queen (Fey Lady) (TOB) CR 17 Barong (CC) Koschei (TOB) Moonlit King (Fey Lord) (TOB) Queen of Witches (Fey Lady) (TOB) Rangda of Witches (Demon Lord) (CC) Wind Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 18 Lord of the Hunt (Fey Lord) (TOB) CR 19 Chemosh (Demon Lord) (CC) Hraesvelgr the Corpse Swallower (Giant) (TOB) Living Star (CC) Shoggoth (TOB) CR 20+ Alquam (Demon Lord) (TOB) Avatar of Shoth (Shoth) (CC) Camazotz (Demon Lord) (TOB) Emperor of the Ghouls (Ghouls) (TOB) Jotun Giant (TOB) Mammon (Arch-Devil) (TOB) Monkey King (Simian) (CC) Parzalon (Arch-Devil) (CC) Qorgeth (Demon Lord) (TOB) Queen of Night and Magic (Fey Lady) (TOB) Totivillus (Arch-Devil) (TOB) Typhon (Demon Lord) (CC) Wind Dragon, Ancient (TOB) UNDERGROUND CR 0 Giant Fire Beetle Lantern Beetle (TOB2) Shrieker Zoog (CC) CR 1/8 Giant Rat Kobold Pixie’s Umbrella Fungi (TOB2) Sniffer Beetle (TOB2) Stirge Wicked Skull (TOB2)

Appendices 245 CR 1/4 Cave Goat (TOB2) Ghoul Bat (TOB2) Giant Bat Giant Centipede Giant Lizard Giant Poisonous Snake Goblin Grimlock Living Wick (TOB) Ratfolk (TOB) Shiftshroom Fungi (TOB2) Skeleton Swarm of Bats Violet Fungus CR 1/2 Beggar Ghoul (TOB) Boomer Fungi (TOB2) Boot Grabber (CC) Crimson Shambler (TOB2) Darkmantle Derro Guard (TOB2) Gray Ooze Hobgoblin Kobold Trapsmith (TOB) Light Drake (TOB2) Magma Mephit Mydnari (TOB2) Orc Rust Monster Shadow Shadow Goblin (CC) CR 1 Bugbear Dogmole (TOB) Duergar Ghoul Giant Spider Giant Toad Kobold Elite (CC) Kobold Trapsmith (TOB) Putrescent Slime (TOB2) Ratfolk Rogue (TOB) Ratfolk Warlock (CC) Specter Stone Creeper (TOB2) Suppurating Ooze (CC) Wirbeln Fungi (CC) CR 2 Ankheg Black Sun Orc (CC) Cave Dragon Wyrmling (TOB) Clacking Skeleton (CC) Cobbleswarm (TOB) Crypt Spider (CC) Derro Explorer (TOB2) Doppelrat (TOB) Dream Squire (CC) Flame Eater Swarm (CC) Gargoyle Gelatinous Cube Ghast Giant Vampire Bat (CC) Gibbering Mouther Grick Ink Devil (TOB) Kobold Alchemist (TOB) Kobold Junk Shaman (CC) Mimic Ochre Jelly Ogre Ophinix (TOB2) Pech (CC) Ratfolk Mercenary (CC) Roachling Scout (CC) Rock Roach (TOB2) Seeping Death Skeleton (Suppurating Ooze) (CC) Shadow Fey Pattern Dancer (Elves) (CC) Shellycoat (TOB) Swarm of Esteron (TOB2) CR 3 Basilisk Corpse Worm (TOB2) Darakhul (Ghoul) (TOB) Doppelganger Gaunt One (TOB2) Ghoulsteed (CC) Giant Albino Bat (CC) Hell Hound Keg Golem (CC) Megapede (CC) Mineral Ooze (TOB2) Minotaur Night Scorpion (TOB) Orc Black Sun Priestess (CC) Phase Spider Swolbold (Kobold) (CC) Venomous Mummy (TOB) Veteran (NPC) Wight Woe Siphon (TOB2) CR 4 Angler Worm (TOB) Black Pudding Cavelight Moss (TOB) Chuul Darakhul Shadowmancer (Ghoul) (CC) Deathcap Myconid (TOB) Deep Troll (TOB2) Derro Fetal Savant (TOB) Emperor’s Hyena (TOB2) Ettin Ghost Imperial Ghoul (TOB) Kobold Chieftain (TOB) Necrophage Ghast (Ghoul) (CC) Oculo Swarm (TOB) Overshadow (TOB2) Pech Stonemaster (CC) Skitterhaunt (TOB) Strobing Fungi (TOB2) CR 5 Darakhul Spy (Ghoul) (TOB2) Deathweaver (TOB2) Derro Shadow Antipaladin (TOB) Derro Speaker to Darkness (CC) Derro Witch Queen (CC) Dogmole Juggernaut (TOB) Dream Eater (TOB)

246 Book of Ebon Tides Earth Elemental Eldritch Ooze (TOB2) Iron Ghoul (TOB) Kobold Wizard (CC) Lunarian (TOB2) Otyugh Phase Giant (TOB2) Rat King (TOB) Roper Salamander Sarcophagus Slime (TOB) Troll Vampire Spawn Wraith Xorn CR 6 Bloated Ghoul (TOB2) Blood Ooze (CC) Chimera Crystalline Devil (TOB) Derro Shadowseeker (TOB2) Drider Echo Demon (CC) Gnarljak (TOB) King Kobold (CC) Quiet Soul (CC) Ruby Ooze (CC) Scheznyki (TOB) CR 7 Crystalline Monolith (TOB2) Fey Revenant (TOB2) Pech Lithlord (CC) Sentinel in Darkness (CC) Shadow Beast (TOB) Stone Giant Walled Horror (TOB2) Yathon (TOB2) CR 8 Bloodstone Sentinel (TOB2) Cave Dragon, Young (TOB) Cloaker Giant Shark Bowl Ooze (CC) Idolic Deity (TOB) Lost Minotaur (CC) Onyx Magistrate (TOB2) Rust Drake (TOB) Spirit Naga CR 9 Darakhul Captain (Ghoul) (TOB2) Darakhul High Priestess (Ghoul) (CC) Deep Drake (TOB) Fire Giant Horakh (TOB) Nharyth (TOB2) Shadow Fey Ambassador (Elves) (CC) Shriekbat (TOB2) Spider Drake (CC) Thin Giant (TOB2) CR 10 Aboleth Cave Giant (CC) Conjoined Queen (TOB2) Sathaq Worm (TOB) CR 11 Behir Shadow Fey Poisoner (Elves) (CC) CR 12 Bonepowder Ghoul (TOB) Gug (TOB) Nihileth (Aboleth) (TOB) CR 13 Bone Colossus (Necrotech) (TOB2) CR 14 Cambium (TOB) Cave Giant Shaman (TOB2) Gypsosphinx (TOB) CR 15 Purple Worm CR 16 Cave Dragon, Adult (TOB) Flame Dragon, Adult (TOB) CR 17 Urochar (TOB) CR 20 Emperor of the Ghouls (TOB)

(ENG) Kobold Press 5a Ed. - Book of Ebon Tides - Flip eBook Pages 201-250 (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.